Monday, January 6, 2014

An isolated vascular system, functioning as an accessory system, whereby intra-corporeal liquids fl

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An isolated vascular system, functioning as an accessory system, whereby intra-corporeal liquids flow from the interstitial spaces into the bloodstream. Its main function is to collect the interstitial fluid and reduce it to blood sistemavascular. When the interstitial fluid passes into the lymphatic capillaries receives the name of lymph. cvbankas The system consists of:
MOVEMENT Lymphatic capillaries are permeable to proteins, water and crystalloid. For passing 2 liters of lymph the cardiovascular system is required 24 hours. How lymphatic circulation does not contain a central pumping organ depends external deforças as: gravity, passive movements, massage, muscles and contraçãoda pulsation of vessels near the arteries. Lymph absorbed is transported in the lymph capillaries, passing through cvbankas several nodes occurring around its filtration into the circulation to be replaced cvbankas until the lymphatics. To return to the blood vascular system lymph passes pordois large trunks: the thoracic duct that receives lymph from the lower limbs, the left thorax, neck and head above the left arm and right lymphatic cvbankas duct that receives lymph from the upper limb right, the right hemithorax neck and head.
Function main function of the lymphatic system is to return to the circulation excess proteins and excess fluid from the tissue cvbankas spaces. Thus the system serves as a fundamental way to: control protein concentration of interstitials in Net - A small amount of protein continuously leaks out of blood capillaries and accumulates in the interstitial space, increasing the colloid osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid. Only a small amount cvbankas around the circulation by venous ends, then the conclusion is the importance of the lymphatic system.
Control of Interstitial Fluid Volume - The increasing colloid osmotic pressure in the interstitial fluid, shifts the balance of forces of the membrane of blood capillaries, facilitating the passage of fluid into the interstitium. Conclusion: the liquid is osmotically drawn into the interstitium due to protein concentration, and thereby increase the volume and pressure of the interstitial fluid. cvbankas
Liquid Pressure Control of Interstitial - Increased interstitial fluid pressure increases the intensity of lymph flow, it is therefore triggers the drainage of excess volume and protein accumulated in the interstitium. Therefore, the return fluid and protein becomes proportional to the same leakage from blood capillaries sistemalinfático when it is healthy.
MASSAGE For performing any maneuver lymphatic drainage the knowledge cvbankas of the location of the accessible lymph massage is needed. The mechanical massage pressure eliminates cvbankas excess liquid and reduces the likelihood of fibrosis of tissue expelling the liquid medium cvbankas for the venous and lymphatic vessels. cvbankas Therefore, it is indicated in any case it is required to prevent the formation cvbankas of edema and aid circulation. His maneuvers are also recommended for cosmetic massage, and for draining the upper limb when a radical mastectomy (breast removal due to cancer, which are also removed lymph nodes from the armpit).
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