Friday, February 28, 2014

3- AMD از مس برای اتصال ترانزیستور های بکار رفته در پردازنده ها استفاده میکند در صورتی که در ساختمان

ريزپردازنده واحد پردازش مركزي يا مغز رايانه مي باشد. اين بخش مدار الكترونيكي بسيار گسترده و پيچيده lasada اي مي باشد كه دستورات برنامه هاي ذخيره شده را انجام مي دهد. جنس اين قطعه كوچك (تراشه) نيمه رسانا است. CPU شامل مدارهاي فشرده مي باشد و تمامي عمليات يك ميكرو رايانه را كنترل مي كند. تمام رايانه ها (شخصي دستي و...) داراي ريزپردازنده مي باشند. نوع ريزپردازنده در يك رايانه مي تواند متفاوت باشد اما تمام آنها عمليات lasada يكساني انجام مي دهند.
ريزپردازنده lasada پتانسيل هاي لازم براي انجام محاسبات و عمليات مورد نظر يك رايانه را فراهم مي سازد. در واقع ريزپردازنده از لحاظ فيزيكي يك تراشه است. اولين ريزپردازنده در سال با نام Intel به بازار عرضه شد. اين ريزپردازنده قدرت زيادي نداشت و تنها قادر به انجام عمليات جمع و تفريق بيتي بود. تنها نكته مثبت اين پردازنده استفاده از يك تراشه بود زيرا تا قبل از آن از چندين تراشه براي توليد رايانه استفاده مي شد. اولين نوع ريزپردازنده كه بر روي كامپيوتر خانگي نصب شد. بود. اين پردازنده بيتي بود و بر روي يك تراشه قرار داشت و در سال به بازار عرضه گرديد. پس از آن پردازنده اي كه تحول عظيمي در دنياي رايانه بوجود آورد بود. اين پردازنده در سال توسط شركت IBM طراحي و در سال عرضه گرديد. بدين صورت توليد ريزپردازنده lasada ها توسط شركت هاي توليدكننده به سرعت رشد يافت و به مدل هاي پنتيوم lasada پنتيوم پنتيوم منتهي شد.
اين پردازنده ها توسط شركت Intel و ساير شركت ها طراحي و به بازار عرضه شد. طبيعتا پنتيوم هاي جديد در مقايسه با پردازنده بسيار قوي تر مي باشند زيرا كه از نظر سرعت به ميزان بار عمليات را سريعتر انجام مي دهند. جديدترين پردازنده ها اگر چه سريعتر هستند گران تر هم مي باشند. كارآيي رايانه ها بوسيله پردازنده آن شناخته مي شود. ولي اين كيفيت فقط سرعت پروسسور را نشان مي دهد نه كارآيي كل رايانه را. به طور مثال اگر يك رايانه در حال اجراي چند نرم افزار حجيم و سنگين است و پروسسور پنتيوم آن كيگاهرتز است ممكن است اطلاعات را خيلي سريع پردازش كند. اما اين سرعت بستگي به هاردديسك نيز دارد. يعني اين كه پروسسور جهت انتقال اطلاعات زمان زيادي را در انتظار مي گذراند.
پروسسورهاي امروزي ساخت شركت Intel پنتيوم و سلرون هستند. پروسسورها با سرعت هاي مختلفي برحسب گيگاهرتز (معادل يك ميليارد هرتز با يك ميليارد سيكل در ثانيه است) براي پنتيوم lasada از / گيگاهرتز تا / متغير است و براي پروسسور سرعت از / گيگاهرتز lasada تا / گيگاهرتز lasada است. يك سلرون همه كارهايي lasada را كه يك پنتيوم lasada انجام مي دهد را مي تواند انجام دهد اما نه به آن سرعت.
پردازنده در رايانه هاي شخصي به شكل يك قطعه نسبتا تخت و كوچك به اندازه يا سانتي متر مربع كه نوعي ماده مانند پلاستيك يا سراميك روي آن را پوشانده است تشكيل شده در واقع فرآيند بوجود آمدن اين مغز الكترونيكي به اين گونه مي باشد كه از سيليكان به علت خصوصيات خاصي كه دارد جهت ايجاد تراشه استفاده مي شود. بدين گونه كه آن را به صورت ورقه هاي بسيار نازك و ظريف برش مي دهند و اين تراشه ها را در درون مخلوطي از گاز حرارت مي دهند تا گازها با آنها تركيب شوند و بدين صورت طبق اين فرآيند شيميايي سيليكان كه از جنس ماسه مي باشد به فلز و بلور تبديل مي شود كه امكان ضبط و پردازش اطلاعات را در بردارد. اين قطعه كار ميليونها ترانزيستور را انجام مي دهد.
محل قرارگيري پردازنده ها بر روي مادربرد مي باشد. بنابراين بايستي هماهنگي لازم بين مادربرد و پردازنده وجود داشته باشد. اين هماهنگي باعث بالا رفتن عمليات رايانه مي شود. در غير اين صورت نتيجه خوبي بدست نمي آيد.
نكته: بر روي پردازنده حروف و ارقامي ديده مي شود كه در واقع نشان دهنده شماره سريال ها سرعت ولتاژ مدل نسل و نام سازنده آن مي باشد. با توجه به نوع دستورالعمل ها يك ريزپردازنده با استفاده از واحد منطبق و حساب خود (ALU) قادر به انجام عمليات محاسباتي مانند جمع و تفريق و ضرب و تقسيم است. البته پردازنده هاي جديد اختصاصي براي انجام عمليات مربوط به اعداد اعشاري lasada نيز مي باشند. ريزپردازنده قادر به انتقال داده ها از يك محل حافظه به محل ديگر مي باشند و مي توانند تصميم گيري نمايند و از يك محل به محل ديگر پرش داشته باشد تا دستورالعمل هاي مربوط به تصميم اتخاذ شده را انجام دهد.
1-AMD براساس معماری اجرایی 9 مرحله ای ساخته شده است اما معماری پردازنده های Intel شش مرحله ای می باشد.بدین معنا که AMDدر هر چرخه کاری 9عملیات را انجام میدهد در حالی که Intel فقط 6 عمل را می تواند انجام دهد.
2-AMD از640Kb Cache برخوردار است در حالی که Intel از 532Kb بر خوردار است هر چقدر که میزان Cache پردازنده بیشتر باشد پردازنده کارایی بیشتری خواهد داشت اطلاعات بیشتری میتواند ذخیره کند ودیگر لازم نیست پردازنده برای بدست آوردن اطلاعات یا دستور ها مدت زمان بیشتری را رفت و برگشت به حافظه برد اصلی برای جذب اطلاعات یا دستور العمل ها صرف کند.
3- AMD از مس برای اتصال ترانزیستور های بکار رفته در پردازنده ها استفاده میکند در صورتی که در ساختمان پردازنده های Intel آلومینیوم بکار رفته است.مس هادی الکترسیته بهتری است ازاین رو پهنای اتصالهای بین ترانزیستورها را به میزان چشمگیری کاهش می یابد .که این امر باعث مصرف کمتر مواد اولیه و در نتیجه منجر به کاهش هزینه می شود این دلیل ارزان تر بودن AMD نسبت به P4 است.
5-AMD از تکنولوژی پردازش موازی در مقایسه با Hyper -Threading اینتل استفاده میکند در بسیاری از کاربردهای امروزی فعال بودن Hyper -Threading کارائی پائین تری ارائه میدهد نتایج تحقیقات بیشمار منتشر شده در نشریات رایانه ای و پایگاهای اطلاعاتی معتبر بیانگوی این پدیده هستند.
7- زمانی که اینتل P4

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Avira Antivir Rescue System 25.02.2011 washougal wa

     دانلود تقویم سال 92 برای موبایل - جاوا      مراسم تشیع پیکر نیما نهاوندیان + عکس      عکس های ایرانی خنده دار و سوژه      عکس های پس زمینه زیبا برای موبایل      دانلود کتاب های الکترونیکی مختلف برای موبایل در اینجا ...      مجموعه کامل آهنگ زنگ برای موبایل washougal wa [کلیک کنید]      کلیپ های خنده دار برای گوشی رو توی اینجا پیدا کنید      تمامی کارتون های قدیمی دوران کودکی را در فروشگاه ما بیابید      ارسال مطالب جالب و متفاوت به ایمیل شما      washougal wa از طریق این سایت کارت شارژ را ارزانتر بخرید [کلیک کنید]
Avira Antivir Rescue System 25.02.2011 washougal wa  یک آنتی ویروس فوق العاده است که سیستم شما را به هنگام بوت شدن و قبل از بالا آمدن ویندوز اسکن نموده و با قدرت خارق العاده خودش می تواند اکثر ویروس های روی سیستم را شناسایی و پاکسازی نماید. این آنتی ویروس پارتیشن های سیستم شما را شناسایی کرده و تمامی اثرات مخرب ویروس هارا پاکسازی میکند . این آنتی ویروس فوق العاده را میتوانید از سایت تک موب دریافت کنید
قابلیت های Avira Antivir Rescue System 25.02.2011 : - امکان اجرا از طریق بوت و اسکن سیستم - شناسایی پارتیشن های ویندوز و اسکن آنها - امکان به روز شدن از طریق اینترنت washougal wa قبل از اسکن سیستم - دارای تنظیمات مختلف جهت اسکن - دارای دو زبان انگلیسی و آلمانی برای محیط - امکان از بین بردن ویروسها و تمیز کردن فایلهای آلوده در زمان اسکن - امکان شناسایی پارتیشن های FAT و NTFS
دیسکت نجات آنتی ویروس آویرا Avira AntiVir Rescue System 25.02.2011 دانلود Avira AntiVir Rescue System 25.02.2011 دانلود آنتی ویروس آویرا دانلود آنتی ویروس بوتیبل دانلود آویرا بوتیبل دانلود دیسکت نجات آویرا
آرمان در تاريخ:پنجشنبه، 26 خردادماه 1390، 8:31 بعدازظهر
 فروش ویژه ساعت کاسیو طرح ادیفایس  با کیفیت بسیار بالا در یک حراجی فوق العاده! با 60 درصد تخفیف ویژه به مدت محدود
ساعت زیبای کاسیو با طرحی بسیار زیبا و شکیل , بسيار مستحكم و شكيل با طرحي كاملا اس پورت و ورزشي , شیشه ضد خش و وزن 185گرم با بند استیل! این ساعت سنگین ترین ساعت کاسیو میباشد برای همین بسیار شکیل و زیباست بسیار کمیاب است. این ساعت را حتما باید از نزدیک ببینید !!!
روش خرید: برای خرید پس از کلیک روی دکمه زیر و تکمیل فرم سفارش ابتدا محصول مورد نظر را درب منزل یا محل کار تحویل بگیرید سپس وجه کالا و هزینه ارسال را به مامور پست بپردازید. جهت مشاهده فرم خرید روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.
نرم افزار موبایل نرم افزار جاوا نرم افزار آیفون نرم افزار UIQ نرم افزار UIQ3 نرم افزار آندروید دیکشنری موبایل نرم افزار اسلامی نرم افزار کامپیوتر نرم افزار سیمبین 3 نرم افزار پاکت پی سی نرم افزار سری 40 نوکیا نرم افزار سری 60 نوکیا نرم افزار سری 90 نوکیا نرم افزار سری 60 V3 نرم افزار سری 60 V5 بازی موبایل washougal wa بازی جاوا بازی فلش بازی آیفون بازی فکری بازی ال جی بازی دو نفره بازی آندروید بازی UIQ3 بازی استراتژی بازی سیمبین 3 بازی پاکت پی سی بازی سری 40 نوکیا بازی سری 60 نوکیا بازی سری 90 نوکیا بازی سری 60 نوکیا V3 بازی سری 60 نوکیا V5 تم موبایل washougal wa تم UIQ3 تم مذهبی تم آندروید تم موتورولا تم سیمبین 3 تم پاکت پی سی تم سری 40 نوکیا تم سری 60 نوکیا تم نوکیا سری 60 V3 تم نوکیا سری 60 V5 تم سونی اریکسون تم 128x160 تم 176x220 تم 240x320 تم ال جی مالتی مدیا موبایل کلیپ موبایل کلیپ خنده دار موبایل کلیپ مذهبی موبایل کلیپ حوادث موبایل کلیپ ایرانی موبایل کلیپ کارتونی موبایل کلیپ ورزشی موبایل آهنگ موبایل آهنگ آرام موبایل آهنگ SMS موبایل آهنگ کوتاه موبایل آهنگ مذهبی موبایل عکس موبایل عکس کودک عکس منظره عکس ماشین عکس حیوانات عکس کارتونی عکس ورزشی عکس مذهبی عکس عاشقانه لایو والپیپر آندروید washougal wa کتاب موبایل کتاب اشعار کتاب درسی کتاب مذهبی کتاب داستانی کتاب روانشناسی عکس SMS اسکرین سیور موبایل آرشیو اس ام اس اس ام اس ایام اس ام اس خنده دار اس ام اس سرکاری اس ام اس عاشقانه اس ام اس تقدیمی نقشه GPS موبایل نقشه GPS کشورها GPS شهرهای ایران GPS شهرهای مهم جهان مقاله ترفند موبایل آموزش موبایل اصطلاحات موبایل کدهای مخفی موبایل نقشه موبایل شهرهای مهم جهان نقشه شهرهای washougal wa ایران نقشه کشورهای جهان مطالب ویژه موبایل مطالب درخواستی اخبار اطلاعیه صوتی و تصویری پلاگین تبدیل کننده ویرایشگر فیلم پخش کننده فیلم نمایشگر تصویر ویرایشگر صوتی ویرایشگر تصویر پخش کننده صوتی اینترنت پلاگین مسنجر انتقال فایل مرورگر وب مدیریت دانلود گرافیک شیپ فتوشاپ پترن فتوشاپ اکشن فتوشاپ وکتور فتوشاپ آیکون پلاگین استایل فتوشاپ طراحی انیمیشن ابزار فلش براش فتوشاپ امنیتی رایانه دیوار آتش آنتی ویروس امنیتی اطلاعات سی دی و دی وی دی قفل گذار ابزار رایت ساخت اوتوران نرم افزار کاربردی نوار ابزار دیکشنری فشرده سازی برنامه نویسی ابزار رجیستری بازیابی اطلاعات نرم افزار های مفید ابزار فایل و دیسک نرم افزار های شبکه نرم افزار های فارسی نرم افزار تخصصی و مهندسی مالتی مدیا کامپیوتر فونت ویندوز والپیپر کامپیوتر اسکرین سیور کامپیوتر بازی کامپیوتری washougal wa بازی اکشن بازی فلش بازی فکری بازی ورزشی بازی استراتژیک قالب سایت و وبلاگ قالب بلاگفا قالب وردپرس قالب میهن بلاگ قالب پرشین بلاگ قالب بلاگ اسکای سیستم عامل مکینتاش MAC OS نرم افزار مکینتاش نرم افزار رایت نرم افزار شبکه نرم افزار آفیس نرم افزار صوتی بازیابی اطلاعات نرم افزار تصویری

در تابستان به همراه خانواده با پرواز مستقیم menage از تهران عازم جزیره توریستی پوکت شدیم فکرکم ش

خانه انجمن رویدادها menage نمایشگاه های بین المللی جشن ها و کنسرت ها همایش های علمی و تخصصی جاذبه های توریستی تحصیل و بورسیه اخبار تحصیل و بورسیه تحصیلی راهنمای تحصیل در خارج از کشور بانک اطلاعات مراکز آموزشی مقالات آموزشی مهاجرت بهترین کشورها برای زندگی اخبار مهاجرت و اقامت راهنمای مهاجرت راهنمای مهاجرت به کانادا راهنمای مهاجرت به آمریکا راهنمای menage مهاجرت به استرالیا راهنمای مهاجرت به سوئد راهنمای مهاجرت به ترکیه راهنمای مهاجرت به آلمان راهنمای مهاجرت به مالزی راهنمای مهاجرت به اکراین راهنمای مهاجرت به ایتالیا راهنمای مهاجرت به لهستان راهنمای مهاجرت به انگلستان هزینه زندگی در کشورهای مختلف بانک اطلاعات مهاجرت مطالب ویژه هزینه های ثبت نام درباره ما تجارت قیمت روز ارز قیمت ارز در بازار قیمت ارز بانکی فرصت های سرمایه گذاری در کشورها گرجستان تاجیکستان ایران دبی ترکیه راهنمای ثبت شرکت در کشورها کارت های اعتباری و پولی بین المللی کارت های اعتباری بانکی کارت های تلفن بین المللی پول الکترونیکی کش یو (cashU) menage پی پال(PayPal) مانی بوکرز(moneybookers) دیکسی پی(Dixipay) لیبرتی ریزرو(Liberty Reserve) مستر کارت(MasterCard) ویزا کارت(VisaVirtual) کارت اعتباری(VisaPrePaid) قیمت سکه و طلا اخبار تجارت راهنمای تجارت خارجی بانک اطلاعات تجاری معرفی صرافی ها اصفهان شیراز تبریز تهران قشم کیش مشهد بانک اطلاعاتی اتاق های بازرگاني تشکل های صنفی- اتحادیه ها تشکل های صنفی- سندیکاها تشکل های صنفی- انجمن ها مطالب آموزشی قوانین و مقررات مناطق آزاد تجاری معرفی بانک ها تفریح وگردشگری قیمت روز بلیط وسایل نقلیه مسافرتی menage سفرنامه های برگزیده اخبار گردشگری و توریسم راهنمای گردشگری گردشگری در ایران تورهای یک روزه و دو روزه اصفهان اردبیل البرز ایلام اذربایجان شرقی اذربایجان غربی بوشهر تهران خوزستان خراسان جنوبی خراسان رضوی خراسان شمالی زنجان سیستان menage و بلوچستان سمنان مرکزی مازندران هرمزگان چهارمحال و بختیاری لرستان قزوین قم کردستان کرمانشاه کرمان کهکیلویه و بویراحمد گلستان گیلان فارس یزد کیش گردشگری در خارج هتل های خارجی هتل های دبی هتل های ترکیه هتل های استانبول هتل های آنتالیا هتل های آنکارا هتل های بدروم هتل های کوشاداسی menage هتل های مارماریس هتل های مالزی هتل های کوالالامپور هتل های پنانگ هتل های مالزی هتل های تایلند هتل های پوکت هتل های بانکوک هتل های پاتایا هتل های چین هتل های پکن هتل های شانگهای هتل های هانگژو ووژن هتل های اندونزی هتل های بالی هتل های جاکارتا هتل های سوریه هتل های دمشق هتل های لبنان هتل های بیروت هتل های هندوستان هتل های دهلی هتل های استرالیا هتل های ملبورن هتل های سیدنی هتل های بریزبن هتل های سنگاپور بانک اطلاعات گردشگری اطلاعات menage کشور دوبی نام و نشانی هتل ها اطلاعات کشور گرجستان اطلاعات menage پرواز فرودگاه امام خمینی فرودگاه مهرآباد تفریحات مهیج راهنمای مسافرتی و تور مسافرتی مسافرت به ترکیه مسافرت به کانادا مسافرت menage به آلمان مسافرت menage به اروپا مسافرت به آمریکا مسافرت به قبرس مسافرت menage به گرجستان مسافرت به هند مسافرت به تایلند مسافرت به دوبی مسافرت به چین مسافرت به ژاپن مسافرت به ارمنستان مسافرت به فرانسه مسافرت به کره مسافرت به اکراین مسافرت به استرالیا مسافرت به مالزی مسافرت به آفریقای جنوبی دانستنی ها معرفی غذاهای خارجی و آداب صرف غذا سفرهای زمینی سفر های هوایی سفرهای دریایی سفرهای ریلی مطالب جالب و خواندنی اخبار آژانس ها طراحی داخلی بهترین رستورانها در کشورهای مختلف خواندنی های تاریخ جهان موسیقی در جهان مردم در جهان معرفی کتاب دانلود خبر روز اخبار کشور گرجستان از سراسر جهان
در تابستان به همراه خانواده با پرواز مستقیم menage از تهران عازم جزیره توریستی پوکت شدیم فکرکم شهریور ساعتای : و تقریبا ساعت تو راه بودیم و از اونجائیکه من یه دختر ساله داشتم عین ساعت رو تو هواپیما گریه کرد نمیدونم چرا فکرکنم جو هواپیما با این ساعت طولانی گرفته بودش و لی خوشبختانه همسفرامون بهتر از مهماندارها درکمون کردند و هرکسی یه جوری سرگرمش میکردتا بالاخره یکی دو ساعت مونده به رسیدن خوابش برد.خلاصه حدودای ساعت رسیدیم به هتل Duanjit Resort که واقع در ساحل پاتونگ از ساحلهای معروف پوکت بود و مکانی بسیار زیبا و فضای باز خیلی قشنگی داشت با امکانات خوبی مانند استخر و فضای بازی و نگهداری کودکان و از اونجائیکه اتاقها رو ساعت تحویل میدادن با Leader تور صحبت کردیم که با توجه به شرایط دخترم خوشبختانه اتاق خالی داشتند و به ما زود تحویل دادن که استراحت کنیم و آماده بشیم.
آب و هوا: شرجی و گرم ولی اذیت نشدیم هوای خیلی خوبی بود بطوریکه شبها تا صبح بارون میومد و صبح نسیم خنکی میوزید غذا : صبحانه ها بسیار مفصل و همه نوع غذا بابت انواع توریستها menage داشتند لازم به ذکر است میوه های استوایی خیلی خوشمزه بودند و اما ناهار و شام : از اونجاییکه من بچه داشتم و قبلش پرس و جو کرده بودم غذاهاشون زیاد با طبع ما سازگاری نداره و بوی خیلی بدی داره مخصوصا این گاریهایی که کنار خیابون بودند سوسک و خرچنگ میفروختند بوی بسیار بدی داشت بنابراین من به اندازه چندروز menage غذای آمادهمثل جوجه کباب و قورمه سبزی شوید باقلا و خوراک مرغ و ماهیچه برده بودم .البته غذاهای Fastfood مثل King burger Kfc , Mac donaldبودند که خیلی خوشمزه بودن ولی چون ذبحشون حلال نبود نمیتونستیم استفاده کنیم و بیشتر از chiken burger استفاده میکردیم البته ناگفته نماند غذاهای ایتالیایی مثل Pizza Hot , Pasta هاشون هم خیلی خوشمزه بودن و چندروز باقیمونده رو با اینا طی کردیم ضمن اینکه بعضی ناهارهای تورهای تفریحی مون هم مثل میگو و ماهی بود که خیلی خوشمزه بود اونم البته سلیقه ای من دوست داشتم خیلی از ایرانیها نمیخوردن .
مرکز خرید: باید تاکید کنم که این منطقه بیشتر به درد تفریح و لذت بردن از ساحلهای قشنگ در جزیره های مختلفی که در پای

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

وقتی که هواپیما از روی باند فرودگاه امام بلند میشد هنوز زود بود تا استرس و فکر و خیال به سراغم بیاد

وقتی که هواپیما از روی باند فرودگاه امام بلند میشد هنوز زود بود تا استرس و فکر و خیال به سراغم بیاد .پرواز تهران ابوظبی هواپیمایی الاتحاد با بلیطهای اکونومی زیاد از حد روبرو شد و منرو توی business class جا دادند .وقتی وارد هواپیمای ابوظبی سیدنی شدم تازه فکرها و استرس ها شروع شد وقتی توی هوای ابری  صبحگاهی سیدنی برج سیدنی سر و کله اش پیدا  شد با خودم گفتم این همون چیزی بوده که توی این چند سال دنبالش بودی پس فکر و خیال را بگذار کنار قبل از فرود توی سیدنی یکسری کارت میدند تا پر کنید اگر موردی داشتید که در موردش شک داشتید که ممنوع هست  یا نه حتما  مربع بله را تیک بزنید بعد از  مسئول قرنطینه سوال کنید  یک سوال کلی هم بود در مورد اینکه شما توریست هستید یا مهاجر یا مقیم استرالیا که به کشور برمیگرده  که من مهاجر را تیک زدم بعدا فهمیدم که از نظر اینها کسی که حتی برای اولین بار با ویزای اقامت پا با استرالیا میگذاره مقیم به حساب میاد و مهاجر کسی که بدون ویزای اقامت میاد که بمونه  توی قرنطینه مامور مربوطه یک کم سوال و  جواب ووارسی کرد اولش خیلی دقیق وارسی میکرد بعد که  سی دی برنامه های حسابداری را دید حساسیت اش کم شد و بسته اصلی را فقط اسکن کرد وگفت به استرالیا خوش اومدی حالا که میری کوئینزلند برو جای ما هم شنا کن .
پرواز من  از poop poop تهران به بریزبن با الاتحاد به مشکل خورده بود و من مجبور شدم برم سیدنی و بعد با یک پرواز داخلی برم بریزبن سوار یک اتوبوس شدم رفتم به ترمینال پروازهای داخلی اونجا خیلی از جوونای اوزی با تخته های  موج سواریشون نشسته بودند تا نوبت پروازشون بشه .  بعد دیدم دیگه اون فکرهای و استرس ها با من نیستند و جاش رو به  حس کنجکاوی داده  بعد از 3.5 ساعت
 انتظار بالاخره نوبت پرواز من شد وقتی وارد هواپیما شدم فقط یادم میاد که مهماندار گفت صندلیت را صاف کن ومن دیدم حق با اونه و من اشتباه poop poop فکر میکردم صندلی صاف شده بغل دستم یه دختر وپسر جوون بودند که به هم گل میگفتند و گل میشنیدند بعد من رسما باطری تموم کردم آخه تقریبا 35 ساعتی میشد نخوابیده بودم .بعد  چشمم را باز کردم دیدم رسما از بالای  یه جایی
 تو مایه های شمال تو ی ماه مرداد دارم رد میشم .ساعت بریزبن از سیدنی یکساعت عقبتره  یعنی من 11  تو سیدنی سوار هواپیماشدم 11.30 به وقت بریزبن رسیدم به مقصد ولی در حقیقت این پرواز 1.30 طول کشید توی فرودگاه دوستان زحمت کشیدند و من را بردند خونشون همینجا جا داره ازچند تا خانواده ایرانی که خیلی زحمتشون دادم تشکر کنم .وقتی رسیدم دلم میخواست بخوابم ولی چون طرفهای 3-4 عصر بود دوستان نمیگذاشتند poop poop و میگفتند بعدا برای اینکار از ما تشکر میکنی  به هر حال بردند منرو گردوندندتا خواب از سرم بپره ولی 8 شب رسما من با چشمای باز خواب بودم .
دوشنبه صبح رفتیم با بچه ها شهر گشتیم و یک کافی شاپ هم گیر آوردیم و  از اینترنت رایگان اش استفاده کردیم برای جستجوی خونه. دوست من توی کامنتهایی که برای  خونه های اجاره ای مورد قبولش بود ذکر میکرد که حاضره 3 ماه اجاره را پیشاپیش بده و این کار موثر واقع شد و یک خونه توی سیتی با شرایط مناسب  زودگیر آورد .
یک خونه دیدیم خیلی تمیزبود صاحبش یک آقای پروفشنال بود انقدر حساس بود میخواست شیشه فر را تمیز کنه زده بود شکسته  بودش .بعد هم میگفت اتاق من باز هست اتاق تو هم باید باز باشه  ولی خوب مسخره بود راستیتش من زیاد حساسیت نداشتم به باز و بسته بودن اتاق ولی خوب وقتی اینرا بهت میگند یکخورده برای عجیب به نظر میرسه .مورد بعدی به نظر من طرف تنها بود واین مورد خیلی ذهن را مشغول میکرد چون آدم بالاخره توی همچین جامعه ای یه پارتنری چیزی داره اتفاقا این تو ذهن من بود و تا از خونه اومدیم بیرون این آشنا مون که با هم خونه را بازدید کردیم همینرو میگفت طرف تازه میگفت من ناراحت میشم رو مبلم یه نفر جدید میشینه ولی باید با این موضوع کنار بیام و همش میگفت خانواده من عقاید نژاد پرستی دارند ولی من ندارم . بگذریم خونه بعدی که دیدیم برخلاف خونه اولی بسیار کثیف بود و دو تا مرد  از انگلستان توش بودند که به نظرم جانکی میزدند  روز بعد هم یه خونه دیدیم که از خونه های قبل از جنگ جهانی بود و اینا مثل میراث فرهنگی میمونه با اینکه خونه کوئینزلندر بود و خونه های کویینزلندر اصولا نه عایقند به گرما ونه صدا ولی این بنده خدا چون اجازه تخریب نداشت اونرا بکلی نو سازی کرده بود و واقعا تمیز و قشنگ بود قرار شد تا شنبه بهش وقت بدیم فکراش رو بکنه .بعد هم رفتیم یه خونه دیدیم که یک پسر اوزی توش زندگی میکرد و توی خونه پر از وسایل ورزشی از گلف و تنیس بگیر تا دوچرخه ثابت بود خونه اش نه اونقدر تمیز بود که من توش راحت نباشم و نه اونقدر poop poop کثیف این بود که من با اینجا حال کردم .جمعه صبح هم بهش زنگ زدم گفتم من از خونه ات راضی بودم میتونم برم توش بشینم و اجاره را بهت چه جوری بدم گفت حالا پول را بعدا میدی و ادرس داد از کجا کلید را پیدا کنم گفت برو تو ومن هم بعد از ظهر رفتم بارم را از فرودگاه تحویل گرفتم و یکراست رفتم  کلید را برداشتم و رفتم تو و این اعتمادی که این همخونه به من کرد خیلی برام چیز جدیدی بود چون خیلی وقته ما توی ایران این چیزها را نمی بینیم  من poop poop هم همخونه را یکشنبه poop poop تازه دوباره زیارت کردم .در مورد خونه share یک نکته مهمه سعی کنید همخونه هاتون پروفشنال باشند تا آدمهایی با شغلهای پایینتر اینرا معمولا توی آگهی های تبلیغاتی خونه ذکر میکنند چون تقریبا تمیزترند توی رزومه و حتی کار ممکنه بهتون کمک کنند و از نظر سطح فرهنگی هم به شما  نزدیکترند .
در مورد بار  فریت خیلی گذرا بگم که من یک لیست کلی  شامل ایتمهایی که داخل کارتنها بود توی اکسل درست کردم که دوتا ستون داشت یکی فارسی یکی ان

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

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src="" <iframe width="500" height="332" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </ iframe> <iframe src="" height="66" width="100" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </ iframe> <a href="" title="Ambiance by ~Ride Dirty or Die~, on Flickr"> <img src = "http :/ / "width =" 100 "height =" 66 "alt =" ambience "> </ a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url = @ N00/9421599581 proserv /] ambience [/ url] by [url = @ N00 /] ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~ [/ url], on Flickr <iframe src = "@ N00/9421599581/player/4e48546692" height = "75" width = "75" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </ iframe> <a href = " @ N00/9421599581 /" title = "ambience by ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~, on Flickr "> <img src="" width="75" height="75" alt="Ambiance"> </ a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url = proserv @ N00/9421599581 /] ambience [/ url] by [url = @ N00 /] ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~ [/ url], on Flickr <iframe src = "@ N00/9421599581/player/4e48546692" height = "150" width = "150" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </ iframe> <a href = " @ N00/9421599581 /" title = "ambience by ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~, on Flickr "> <img width="150" height="150" src="" alt="Ambiance"> </ a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url = proserv @ N00/9421599581 /] ambience [/ url] by [url = @ N00 /] ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~ [/ url], on Flickr <iframe src = "@ N00/9421599581/player/4e48546692" height = "159" width = "240" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> </ iframe> <a href = " @ N00/9421599581 /" proserv title = "ambience by ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~, on Flickr "> <img width="240" height="159" src="" alt="Ambiance"> </ a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url = @ N00/9421599581 /] ambience [/ url] by [url = proserv @ N00 /] ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~ [/ url], on Flickr <iframe src = "@ N00/9421599581/player/4e48546692" height = "213" width = "320" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen> proserv </ iframe> <a href = " @ N00/9421599581 /" title = "ambience by ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~, on Flickr "> <img width="320" height="213" src="" alt="Ambiance"> </ a> [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url = @ N00/9421599581 /] ambience [/ url] by [url = @ N00 /] ~ Ride Dirty or Die ~ [/ url], on Flickr proserv <iframe src = "@ N00/9421599581/player/4e48546692" height = "332" width = "500" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscr

Monday, February 24, 2014

Interestingly, the percentage of people who say that they decide on purchasing maid wine farm grows

About Rating 0 stars 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars Wine bought in World Spirits of Bacchus Alma Auchan Ballantines Ladybug Bomi Carrefour Wine Centre dobrewina. en Home Wine Enoteca Nova Enoteka Poland Intermarche Kaufland Kondrat Selected Wines La Passion du Vin LIDL Macro Marks & Spencer Peter & Paul Real Selgros Simply Market Społem Tesco Wine publicly color of the wine and white wine red wine rosé wine acidity of the wine sweet wine sweet wine semi-dry dry wine Mobile maid Wine tasting
Innate curiosity compelled to ask questions - who, when, how? We wanted to explore this phenomenon a little closer. Gab is a researcher, so natural maid curiosity turned maid into a real project, so that we understand maid exactly what and how of this wine. Now we would like to share with you what more interesting helmets, submit maid them for discussion, check if "you too, so you". And believe me, it is really surprising ...
The research was conducted online using an online survey, issued on many websites (using the Real Time Sampling). The study realized Interactive Market Research Institute (props for profi approach). Such a technique we chose consciously-best can reach the most interesting in our opinion the target. Internet users now have about 60% of the population in age groups 18-45 coverage is much greater. Deficiencies in the end we age scale - that is over 65 years of age. However, other techniques have serious (in our opinion) flaws in this project:
- Telephone surveys - here it is difficult to catch the young segment, weakly with most busy people - active, high income (and really wanted us to capture those segments), a lot of stress on social approval ("after all, the guy did not admit that I drink every day"). In addition, the technique gives a lot of gaps and inconsistencies in the data.
- Research maid face to face - here completely bent as are all the disadvantages mentioned previously maid - who of you let the interviewer recently home or 15 minutes answering the street? In addition to difficult questions about drinking ...
So much for the art collection of answers. For testing, we invited maid only by adults maid and the first place we asked about drinking different types of alcohol, including wine, of course, and on this basis were created two subsets - wine drinkers and nondrinkers of wine. The latter asked later about stereotypes, perceptions maid of wine and wine culture. First przemaglowaliśmy to be bought, selecting wine, media, customs, superstitions, etc. For each question corresponded to only those to which it relates (for example, questions about the frequency of purchases we asked only to people who buy wine, neglecting those who drink it, but do not buy ). Throughout the study involved 1,050 people, and therefore what I mentioned earlier, each question has a different number (the number of persons maid who did not meet). The analyzes used analytical balance (correction) constructed on the basis of gender, age and frequency of Internet use, and used it for the whole database. As a result, the results can be interpreted as a representative of the adequate reference group.
Who buys wine? Is this the same person who makes other groceries, or not? It turned out that the wine and the rest of the groceries are linked but not as hard as you might think. Among the people buying wine 2/3 does also other shopping. This is significantly more than in the case of people not buying maid wine - where the rate was 47%. This means that the relationship with the rest of the shopping but it is still one third of people who buy wine as the main household but do not make other purchases - here Gab said that his group :) grocery shopping is just to push the stroller, but before shelf with wine family does not have voice ...
Interestingly, the percentage of people who say that they decide on purchasing maid wine farm grows with age. Among the youngest maid is 19 percentage points lower than in the oldest group, which is 42%. Average was 34%, which means that a significant majority of respondents drunk wine that someone else buys the farm.
Source: The study, "How Poles buy and drink wine?" Design: Interactive Institute for Market Research in October 2013 on a representative sample of 1,050 internet users Poles. The research was conducted using an online survey and share it took only adults.
The data presented are derived from questions Q2. Who in your household makes a decision regarding grocery shopping / purchasing wine. 67% of people who have chosen the answer "I decide to purchase the wine," indicated the response maid "I maid decide on purchasing maid food." Weighted number: n = 1050
Cool test, although just slide that espouse today probably does not provide any useful maid information. As

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scary. Our Polish rzeczywistoc. And I

Recent entries dunce I'm looking for a way to Chandra Porannie about the topic of spring ... grace arrested Social Security Crocuses writes cipher among the branches shortened It will be shortly. Sunday's gossip at ... O holy Jadwiga in ... office podry Statistics power clean blanket on pages larger image
My OM suffer from ailments of the spine and is currently in a fairly intensive treatment. Boils down to the regular use of the drug under the name Tolperis VP 30 tablets) and Agupurin SR 400 (20 tablets).
Taking 2 x daily specifics of how easy it is enough to compute two weeks. Since retirement we have what we have despite the separation of household jointly run because otherwise it would be hard and him and me.
However, we had to ransom.
Scary. Our Polish rzeczywistoc. And I've oglnie attitude up with the mbies retirement power clean will not be. A sus space fetches every month the money. power clean In the last few weeks expel 150 on drugs for his son and 50 on your own. Not all because otherwise power clean it would be 2x as much. With more pleasant tematw. In the end I voted. I hope that will help. I'm taking up the arrears.
Olu ... so this problem is not only the "retirees". These slogans about healthy society power clean ... like, if not, buying out medication, since nothing we will not refund ... horror. A pzryemniejszych for topics. thank you beautiful. We'll see the final result. Kisses
Luciu and POLFA in Krakow schyku traded in the 90s of the last century. Then it bya Pliva and I know that byo five fully equipped production hall for the production of various Drug Administration, but one The crew trained to produce everything. And according to zamwieniami The crew Krya between halls and produce it of what was Order Quantity. And now I do not even know if there is anything further in this industry.
Eh! and it is mj comment: (
The prices Drug Administration as I know. My daughter in law on immunosuppressive drugs on KTRE is doomed to end of life seems every month 510z, without further about Mandura osonowym (these power clean just are reimbursed). The problem with immunosuppressants is such that they must be chosen individually. At doses, KTRE she is taking, power clean none of them is reimbursed. Mao the rules are set so that it can not bra 5 tablets, 1mg only needs 0.5. Dose 0.1 is refunded, but stupid rule prohibits the prescription for t the same number at lower doses. Counterparts, unfortunately, just-in-law already taking can not because zabiyby j side effects. The question makes sense jalki then transplants power clean if these people can not be zaordynowa power clean appropriate treatment, because will not be able to financially udwign this is doomed to dialysis or death. Fortunately, we happened to have the comfort that they do not complain about the material conditions power clean and daughter-in drugs can redeem himself, power clean but many can not. No c "This is Poland 'of
Well horror Niko. At the forum "niemiertelni" - a portal for people after transplant, power clean there can only find out about a treatment in Poland. power clean Lucia, pharmacy zaprzyjaniona or not, but as can be cheaper, it must be somewhere else - pomylo this business.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Late payments on construction milersättning Mills Richter. POL-AUQA does not pay subcontractors. We

The city is preparing to change the price of water and wastewater. |
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Late payments on construction milersättning Mills Richter. POL-AUQA does not pay subcontractors. We know the Polish squad for the Speedway Best Pairs Cup Starts Social Revitalization program at Bydgoszcz suburb and YOU can be the star of the summer scene in Torun.
If councilors approve the tariff from 1 April 2014 in Toruń change prices for water and wastewater. The need for change Toruńskie Waterworks justify the increase in costs resulting from the investments.
Interestingly, the price of water will be lower growth rates and the proposal applies only to plants. The current rate charges for water and sewer combined is 8.08 zł. Is expected to grow by 3.8% to 8.38 zł. Despite this growth, Torun rate, compared to cities of similar size, is one of the lowest in the country.
Reducing the price of water was possible mainly due to lower energy costs and external services. And the most important reason for the increase in costs relating milersättning to sewage depreciation cost is built in the framework of the project "Water - Wastewater in the agglomeration Torun - Stage II" and devoted to the use of thermal processing station milersättning pościekowego milersättning sludge in wastewater treatment.
New rates proposed for 1 cubic meter of supplied water and 1 cubic meter of wastewater discharged, as well as subscription fee for reading the meter or measuring device. Price for the supplied water is uneven, provides milersättning a higher price of the water used for industrial purposes. Differential price for 1 m3 of water stemmed from allocating different for different milersättning groups of recipients of fees for the use of the environment. Prices and rates include eight percent of gross value added tax (VAT). In the tariff on water supply was introduced four groups of service users: households and industrial consumers of water outside Households and outside the industrial consumers of water billed based on consumption standards The industry The industry recipient of the recipient water water billed based on consumption norms
In accordance with Art. 24 paragraph. milersättning 4 of the Act of 7 June 2001 on the public milersättning water supply and sewage collection, Mayor of the City of Toruń checked whether tariffs and a plan has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Act and verified the expected costs associated with the provision of services in terms of expediency incurred.
The proposed from 1 April 2014 the rate will amount to: read the meter or measuring device: milersättning 5,24 zł (it was 5.13 zł) the supply of 1 cubic meter. water for households: 3,52 zł (it was 3.61 zł) the supply of 1 cubic meter. water for industry: 3,73 zł (it was 3.81 zł) draining 1 cubic meter. milersättning plants: 4,86 zł (it was 4.47 zł)
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Friday, February 21, 2014


3D printers can significantly affect our lifestyle. The print space is said to be more frequent and louder. Some argue that since the invention of movable type greatest revolution is coming, and others that it made the Internet revolution.
According to Western Digital visionaries blood stain removal spatial printer could revolutionize conventional production. While at the hardware, which allows you to print in 3D have mostly specialized companies, universities or institutes, but this is changing. Everything is simple and the possibilities endless. This saves time and money.
Simply send to a 3D printer design of the facility, and she will start the printing using a special plastic or other plastic, overlapping the next layer. The most interesting is that the meter of such materials may cost less than a penny. The printing process is time-consuming, but ultimately can be generated almost infinite shapes and forms. Recently presented a printer that prints using multiple types of media at the same time, being able to create a single process items such as glasses containing opaque material and the optical, or other items combining elements of hard and soft. Here, the barrier is the price - a million U.S. Dollars for the 3D printer new technology. But remember that this is a breakthrough and the time will come when this will be as much as usual cost 3D printer.
Finally came the creation of expensive prototypes, now it will create just the printer. The scope of these items can be huge: from part of the small objects or devices of everyday use to the complexity of the components of industrial machinery.
at the moment this type of device are not the cheapest, blood stain removal but it is anticipated that in the near future, each household will be equipped with a 3D printer. This means you can print out a toy for a child, part of home furnishing and probably many other things that you yourself think.
researchers create prosthesis using them, which is not only simpler and less time-consuming, but most of all a lot cheaper than traditional methods. It turns out that for some time that 3D printing will become traditional. And what's next? Apparently the prospect of printing human tissue.
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Bethlehem Peace Light is an annual auction Scout and Scouts focused on transmitting before serv pro

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Declarations of fee for municipal serv pro waste management community has provided to all households. Anyone can download the declaration in digital form - DOWNLOAD. Now is the time for filing a declaration in the Municipal Office in Osieczna, while in the case of the village you can pass them sołtysom, serv pro no later than 31 December.
Selective collection of waste - fees are: household occupied by one person 9 zł household occupied by two persons 17,5 zł household inhabited by three people 26 zł household inhabited by four people 34 zł household inhabited by five or more persons 42 zł
No separate collection of waste - fees are: household occupied by one person 15 zł household occupied by two persons 29,5 zł household serv pro inhabited by three people 44 zł household inhabited by four people 58 zł household inhabited by five or more of 72 zł
15 March for the months of January and February, to May 15 for the months of March and April to July 15 for the months of May and June to 15 September for the months of July and August to October 15 for the months of September and October to January 15 for months: November and December
The fee should be paid into the bank account of the Commune Osieczno, at the individual bank account number which, together with blankietami payments will be delivered by the end of February 2014. Please note that the first due on 15 March 2014 year. Anyone can make a donation for future accounting serv pro periods, but then absolutely must indicate on the blank period to which the payment refers. If such an entry is not, then the overpaid amount will be refunded.
- Once a week they received mixed municipal waste - once a month will be received selectively collected waste: Paper, cardboard, composite packaging (blue bag), Plastic and metal (bag yellow) white glass (white bag) colored glass (green bag) biodegradable waste (brown bag), the only difference in the case of selective waste collection is an extra bag in brown is used to collect biodegradable waste. - Twice a year will be received furniture and other bulky waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment.
In point Selective Collection of Municipal Waste (PSZOK), located in the Department of Waste Management in Trzebania, free give away separately collected waste, expired medicines, chemicals, used batteries, rechargeable batteries, old tires, furniture and bulky waste. PSZOK in Trzebania is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday in hours. 14:00 - 17:00 Wednesday, Saturday hours. 10:00 - 14:00 Tel: 65 5285032 Additionally, you can give away free construction and demolition waste in quantities up to 100 kg per person per year. Over 100 kg for a fee. Owners or property manager will be uninhabited alone sign contracts with third party service providers refunds. This is due to the adopted resolutions.
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21.02. Evening of poetry and music 22.02. Family Academy of Art 25.02. The meeting diabetics 26.02. General in TSO Kąkolewo 27.02. XXXI session of the City Council in Osieczna 28-02.03. IV International Workshop serv pro Gospel Osieczno / Leszno 28.02. Fun Carnival ZS Osieczno
Jheronimus Bosch of Culture serv pro in the building of the XXI century observer of culture in the building of the XXI century Panisko of Culture in the building of the XXI century vortex of Culture in the building of the XXI century mm of Culture in the building of the XXI century for about culture in the building of the XXI century
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Bethlehem Peace Light is an annual auction Scout and Scouts focused on transmitting before serv pro Christmas God ... Close

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Farm payment order Vindexus Terms of website purchase agreement ... The taxation of attorney ... Co

Farm payment order Vindexus Terms of website purchase agreement ... The taxation of attorney ... Contract work and the tax ... The amount of tax ... tax base ... 9 meeting of the Sejm
Labour Law Administrative Law Commercial Law, Customs Law Tax Law Civil Law Copyright games and competitions Bankruptcy Criminal co washing liability co washing Freight International Cooperation Grants Public Procurement Law Moving Company in Poland co washing proceedings before a court other
Polish law does not define what a household. co washing However, a number of statements about what the household be found in the doctrine and jurisprudence. Household is one of the types of operators that is an active participant in the economic process, the decisions and actions cause economic consequences. The census household is defined as a group of people living together and persistent. Persons living alone and with others, but persistent co washing separately, constitute separate person households. However, pursuant to the definition of 'household' in Encyclopedia of PWN, the household is a group of people living together and jointly persistent, mostly linked to biological co washing ties and forming a family. Household also includes unrelated individuals, but together living and persistent, the lonely, persistent yourself a one-person households. With Little dictionary of Polish language, scientific publishing PWN Warsaw 1999, page 231 shows that the farm include country estate including land and buildings, while the home - page 144 - in particular relating to the home. Home is the living quarters, domicile and the general affairs, family co washing responsibilities domestic household. Household is primarily related to buildings with living quarters (used as a place of residence, which focuses on general issues, family responsibilities households). According to another definition of a household is the basic economic unit, defined as one or more persons voluntarily living together, eating meals together, and profiting by the fact that a common household. Often economics, as opposed to anthropology, is not much difference co washing between concepts such as "household" and "family", although from the point of view of gender, economic relations, the processes taking place within the household and the family have completely different characteristics. household formation is analogous to the concept of the company as an entity. The law on housing by household meant farm run by an applicant for housing, alone dealing with local or operation carried on by that person co washing together with spouse and other persons permanently residing with her and gospodarującymi that their rights to reside in the premises derived the right of that person. The Act on the Protection of the rights of tenants, municipal housing stock and amending the Civil Code makes reference to the definition of the household contained in the Act on housing. In my opinion, Nursing Home is not a household. co washing However, it should be noted that water or fuel consumed co washing by the Nursing Home are consumed for household purposes.
Farm in the legal provisions in force in Poland contained several different definitions of a farm. You can indicate the following laws: the law of 23 April 1964 of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964 No. 16, item.
In accordance with Art. 216 of the Penal Code, who insults another person in his presence, or even in her absence, but publicly or with the intention ...
Raised by Mr issue has been dealt with in the Act of 21 April 2005 on Fees. According to the Law ...

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

RWS focuses on producing high quality food for the local community, often using organic, biodynamic

One way to reduce the negative impact of agriculture on climate is to build alternative food systems based on sustainable local food production and distribution. Such systems, by using more organic methods of farming and shorten the distance between the farmer and the consumer, allow, inter alia, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and better protection of natural resources. Among the alternative models of food production and distribution increasingly gaining popularity in the world of so-called. RWS, which is supported by the farming community (called community supported agriculture - CSA).
The origins of RWS model, involving the cooperation of farmers with a particular group of people nampa idaho interested in healthy food, go back to the 60s the last century. The first initiative of this type appeared in Germany, Switzerland nampa idaho and Japan, as a response to the wave of urbanization and deterioration of the food production in the country. nampa idaho Building partnerships nampa idaho between consumers and farmers is the basis of this type of co-operatives. Consumers who want to get healthy and organic food producers pay for activities in advance for the whole season. In this way, both parties are assured of supply (for consumers) and outlets (on the side of farmers).
RWS focuses on producing high quality food for the local community, often using organic, biodynamic farming methods and permaculture. The key element here is the close cooperation of producers (farmers) and consumers. With mutual nampa idaho trust, a group of manufacturers of consumer power injection of money by a fee in advance for all-season supply of pre-defined types of products (mostly fruits and vegetables). Thanks farms do not have to seek new markets and can focus on production only for supportive communities.
Consumers and producers jointly agree on the determination of the budget. Most farmers make the necessary assessment of the costs (seeds, agricultural machinery, transportation, labor costs). The system has many variations. The differences run mainly at the level of the agricultural budget nampa idaho structure and ways of supplying nampa idaho food. Community, which depends on minimizing the ecological footprint, usually seeks to establish cooperation with farms located as close to the city where he lives. Distribution nampa idaho of products consumers can take various forms. nampa idaho Most often based on a system of parcels - each household receives a box with a portion of food that is distributed on a specified date at a point (or points) aggregate.
In many RWS s consumers are also involved in work on the land. Depending on the findings it is either systematic work that allows you to reduce costs, or work having more educational in nature - consumers can visit the farm and learn more about how food crops.
RWS creates a favorable business conditions for small farms. The relationship between the two groups, nampa idaho usually mediated by the market, where the main motivation is profit, changes in personal contact based on trust, in which respect and reciprocal care displace the logic of the market. This model is entered concept absent in ordinary commercial transactions. nampa idaho Consumers paying in advance, accept a random situation where for various reasons the crop can not reach the desired level.
In a broader context, the RWS is a reversal of the trend of replacing small farms, nampa idaho industrial food production and preservation of cultural and biological diversity in the country. In Poland, the trend is clear - the number of farms in our country nampa idaho clearly dropped and is about 1.56 million, and the average area increased from 7.4 ha to 8.6 ha. Co-operative Food in general, and in particular the RWS model, have a chance to become a viable alternative to inefficient and harmful to the environment and climate of industrial food production.
Probably the first Polish agricultural model supported by the community working since the spring of 2012 in the Mazowieckie voivodship. At the beginning of the season, members and community members nampa idaho meet with farmers from the farm in the village Świerże Panki to jointly determine what type of products (here: vegetables and fruits) nampa idaho will be grown and delivered to customers. Farmers nampa idaho also show an estimate nampa idaho specifies the necessary expenses attributable to the season. nampa idaho After determining the details are signed civil law contracts between farmers and individual consumers.
With the advent of the first crops appear first delivery. There are different solutions regarding distribution. The RWS Świerże Panki farmers are responsible for transportation. In contrast, in a cooperative Garten Koop of Freiburg are consumers that deliver food to the reception. Interestingly, they drive while on bicycles. Depending on the size of the cooperatives need one or more collection points, which become

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

From the series: choices, choices ... Part IV Who Kaczynski feathers underwear? There was no feathe

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Today, the norm is that we have to deal themselves in order to lower the costs utrzymania.Liczymy August of each Zloty and glowimy out what else to do to incoming bills amounted to less sumy.Nie hemfrid but everyone will get the idea, or simply does not know how to go about it . I believe, this is normal and therefore each originator should be shared with other good radami.W this post I would like to describe as a simple way to have a free warm water and a minimal circulation of finansowym.Prawda is, with the use of this facility in a residential is rather difficult but in detached houses and arbors allotment to mount this system is child proste.Idealnym but the place is a farm, where we primarily the roof of a large house, farm building or roof stodoly.System that he copied in a small village, it has modernized and installed hemfrid on the roof of my domu.Faktem is with me sun shines more intensely hemfrid so I could use the west side is visible to the innych.Dziala and warm water I can safely exploited at domu.Moj system connected the output of the Junkers of checkmate hemfrid valve. The use of hot water depends on the capacity of the system but here we can easily adapt showing his inventions tworcza.Oczywiscie hemfrid we can use ready devices available on the market but to use them we still have quite a large cash and the idea is to do it as the cheapest cost.
To do need a PVC pipe, preferably flexible, the incoming water valve and check valve for connection to the network domowej.To all, the rest belongs to wykonawcy.Zasada action is prosta.Kazdy who was using on the plot hose for watering knows that when you leave it at some time in the sun after unscrewing the tap water comes out warm woda.Wlasnie this phenomenon we have to accelerate time czynienia.Aby heating pipes should be installed ciemne.Dla further reduce the cost of pipe wrap flexible arrangement on the roof tubing (on the line) and the diameters and length of the tube is calculated to the warmer water demand liczymy.Przy laying hemfrid "tubing" eliminate the problem of connectivity cold wody.Jest then indifferent Input position. Podlanczamy at the entrance of cold water from a water supply system in the exit to the water system cieplej.Mozna also utilize this system as a system niezalezny.Nalezy but remember that using pipes of greater diameter hemfrid than the water supply system (1/2, 3/4) we have to take advantage of reductions to match the input and output wody.Mozliwosci are different, you can permanently hemfrid mount the water heater on the roof or by using the ingenuity to create allotment system przenosny.Nalezy but remember that before the onset of frosts we Ogrzewnica you protect, the release of water from the pipes completely enough.
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Monday, February 17, 2014

As follows from the data the number of households in the cities is more than two times higher than

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The household should be understood group of related or unrelated, living together maid cafe and continuing. If any person in this apartment is maintained separately, such a person creates a separate single household. maid cafe Group of unrelated persons living together can create one Shared household, if jointly maid cafe persist or more person households. Households made up of individuals living permanently or temporarily staying in the apartments.
The presented definition of a household is based on the criterion of joint managing income, regardless of the source maid cafe of the income. This is called. economic definition, used in all previous censuses of population and housing, as well as - with minor modifications - in sample surveys conducted in households. Determining the number maid cafe of households in the apartment and kinship between the people in each of these households - is extremely important to extract the number and types of families.
At the end of March 2011. Poland had 13,572 thousand. households, ie about 235 thousand. (1.8%) more than in 2002. [1] The number of urban households amounted to 9150 thousand. and increased by 186 thousand. (2.1%), maid cafe while in the countryside 4422 thousand. and increased maid cafe by 49 thousand. (1.1%) - compared to 2002.
As follows from the data the number of households in the cities is more than two times higher than in the countryside. maid cafe This is mainly due to the fact that more lives in urban population than in rural areas, maid cafe and that the holding in cities are much smaller.
In the years 2002-2011 has slightly decreased the average number of people in households - to a level of 2.82 in 2011. (In 2002. Average was 2.84). Much greater changes were observed in the years 1988 - 2002 (average number of household members maid cafe in 1988. Was 3.1). However, larger differences were observed in urban and rural areas (see Table. 1). There is still a tendency of decreasing size of households living in urban areas - the average is 2.54 persons (2002. Was 2.6), while in rural areas the process has been halted - the average number of people maid cafe per household increased to 3 , 4 to 3.33 in 2002.

- If you do not go for green energy, is a country only for the losers. For now, primarily developin

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- A good idea would be to group the Polish producers of biomass in associations or consortia, which could offer plants larger quantities of raw materials and negotiate prices - says in an interview for "Rzeczpospolita" Jaroslaw Kłapucki, co-founder of Consus Group. - Energy in Poland and Europe ekopaliwa needs to be able to produce so-called. clean energy. Therefore, we should support both Polish importers of biomass, as well as any importer who can bring cheap raw material.
Kłapucki how to start a cleaning business stresses that much more popular abroad than in our country are combustion installations hundred percent of the biomass. Poland in its assessment also needs to move in that direction, although coal will remain for many years, the basic raw material for the Polish energy sector.
- While I agree with the fact that Europe should ban the combustion of biomass how to start a cleaning business from the forest. In my opinion, a greater emphasis needs to be placed on the consumption of biomass of agricultural origin, which is produced after the remnants of agricultural production - says Kłapucki.
- If you do not go for green energy, is a country only for the losers. For now, primarily developing how to start a cleaning business wind farms, but there is a growing interest in both photovoltaics and biomass. It all happened a long time ago in Western Europe - indicates Kłapucki.
See also Petru: Power one of the most serious challenges for the German and Polish Olszewski: Polish law blocks the development of CCS in Poland Kasprowa and Walendziak: Dodge on energy issues Derski harm Poland: Poles can not afford the energy revolution? Majchrzak: The problem of the market is falling level of energy reserves
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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Probably earlier there would be bursting at the Polish credit market (primarily mortgages) with all

Private debt in developed countries carpet steam cleaner continues to grow
Related Topics: Poland will no longer be so cheap to finance the Mother of the recession is the fear of a recession is the most important growth Main issue for the Spanish economy is its private debt What is the end of the crisis? Statistics does not say anything about the real economic growth criteria of economic success The world economy carpet steam cleaner is strengthened, carpet steam cleaner but risks are the Hausner Team: In the second half of GDP growth in Poland will reach 5 percent. Exporters bear the costs of a strong yuan and the transformation of the Chinese economy
One of the reasons for the slow growth in developed countries is the persistent high level of indebtedness of the private sector and the public. Although the debt of the private sector in some developed countries decreased compared with the peak in 2008-2009, but still remains at a level much higher than in the middle of the last decade.
In many countries, moreover, not private debt fell, and some even significantly increased. Public debt is growing and, according to the well-known pair of professors from Harvard - Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff - it will be necessary debt reduction methods used so far during the financial crises carpet steam cleaner in developing countries.
In 2005-2008, the debt of the private sector (non-financial corporations, households and non-profit organizations) increased in all EU countries except Germany. Germany is the only country carpet steam cleaner in Europe carpet steam cleaner where the current level of private debt is lower than in 2000. Before the financial crisis the fastest growing debt in Ireland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Estonia and Spain. All of these countries in 2008-2009 survived a very deep crisis. Poland was and is a country with a relatively low level of private debt, which in 2005-2008 but increased carpet steam cleaner - by 25.8 percentage points (compared to GDP). This was a significant increase, but twice lower than in Hungary and more than twice lower than in Ireland and Bulgaria.
In 2012, private debt was significantly lower (by at least 10 points. Percentage.) Of the maximum (in 2008 or 2009) in Luxembourg, Latvia, carpet steam cleaner Lithuania, Estonia, carpet steam cleaner Spain, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria , Sweden, Belgium, Malta and Denmark. In Ireland and Cyprus at that time there was a significant increase in debt. A significant increase in the debt recorded carpet steam cleaner as France, while in other countries the debt decreased or increased slightly.
The private sector carpet steam cleaner in the new EU countries is generally less indebted than in Western Europe. The exception were the countries that have introduced a currency board, which in practice means a fixed exchange rate (Bulgaria, the Baltic States) carpet steam cleaner and Hungary.
In Poland, after joining the European Union rapidly growing private debt, especially household. While this growth started from a low ceiling - in 2000, household debt was only 7 percent. GDP - but by 2008 growth was alarmingly high. If the rate of indebtedness of Polish households from 2005-2008 - 37.5 percent. year - remained longer in 2013 would exceed 100 percent. GDP.
Probably earlier there would be bursting at the Polish credit market (primarily mortgages) with all its consequences for the economy. The global crisis, the consequences of which we felt only indirectly helped us avoid the direct carpet steam cleaner effects of our own financial crisis. carpet steam cleaner In the U.S., less indebted families
In the United States, the effect of the financial crisis was starting the process of deleveraging households. In 2007, the debt American families (mainly mortgage and consumer loans) was close to 100 percent. GDP. In mid-2013 this debt amounted to "only" 80 percent. GDP, but it was still significantly higher than before the credit bull market, which led to the creation of the housing bubble and eventually to the crisis.
U.S. corporate debt growth was slower than households. The level of debt is lower than in Japan and some European countries, although higher than in Germany. The debt of U.S. corporations declined slightly in 2008-2011, but two years is growing again. As a result, the U.S. economy is growing faster than the European, although more slowly than in the period when the debt was much lower. Delewaryzacja households makes their expenses, especially for investment purposes, are smaller.
In 1990-2000, U.S. corporate debt remained stable at around 65 percent. GDP, while households increased slightly from 62 per cent. GDP to 68 percent. GDP. This level of debt allowed companies to increase investment spending and high GDP growth.
Japan in the early 90s survived the financial crisis, which was one of the causes of high corporate indebtedness to banks. Over the decade of the 80s Twentieth century corporate debt rose from levels

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

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Friday, February 14, 2014

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According to the World Bank citizens of Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland, Qatar and Singapore steam coupons have at their disposal some of the highest salaries per household. The average Swiss household has an annual budget steam coupons of 91 $ 388, which gives us a monthly basis about 7 $ 615.
This means that the average household in Switzerland has at its disposal 18 times more money than the typical household in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It's a big difference as between the rich and the poor. While some worry about where you will go on vacation, others steam coupons think about what you throw into the pot.
Moreover, characteristic of poor countries is that the typical household consists of many family members. Often working on household budget grandparents, parents and children. While the richest countries on the household budget is made up mostly of parents salary. steam coupons Here are the countries with the lowest income per household:
Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country in Central steam coupons Africa with a population steam coupons amounting to 75 million. The country steam coupons is so large that its surface steam coupons it ranks 11th in the world. It is considered the fourth most populous country on the continent and the most populous country of the Francophonie (French is the official language and the Congo). The country was devastated by the war that broke out here in 1998. To this day, it is common here malnutrition. As many as 2.5 million people live on less than a dollar a day.
Burundi is a relatively small country (smaller than Belgium) in East Africa, with a population steam coupons of about 10 million people. The country is widely regarded as the least globalized world. At the same time a low-income household, high density and high mortality repopulation following AIDS. Poorly steam coupons educated residents suffer as a result steam coupons of internal conflicts and corruption at the highest levels of government.
Eritrea is a country in East Africa, bordering the Red Sea. Currently living here about 6 million people. Eritrea was part of Ethiopia once before in 1993, declared the independence steam coupons of the region. Although the country has a very low income per household after the declaration of independence made a very big step forward. It is currently one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Backed income citizens received outside the country. Some estimates say that as much as about one third of GDP.
Liberia is a country in West Africa inhabited by 3.6 million people. Stalicą this African country is Monrovia, the official language of English. The country has a long history of political and economic instability, which is the result of two civil wars (the last in 1999-2003). steam coupons Conflicts steam coupons have led the economy to the brink, and contributed to the death of a quarter million people. Long country were paid by China. steam coupons
Niger is a country located in West Africa in the Sahara, with a population of about 17 million people. Due to the large area of desert land, and lack of access to the sea, the economy is not the best. Country steam coupons cooperate economically with France, which is the main importer steam coupons of food (peanut) and uranium from Niger. The country is the third largest producer of uranium steam coupons in the world. Revenue from the sale of uranium in Niger are about 65% of GDP.
Central African Republic is a country in Central Africa with a population of about 4.5 million. Its capital is Bangui, the official language of French and Sango. Despite the large tourist and natural resources the country is very poor. All through steam coupons this, the country is still plagued by internal conflicts (the last one in 2012-2013). Perhaps one day a huge potential in the form of deposits of diamonds, gold, uranium, oil and wood will be used.
Malawi is a country in southeastern Africa with a population of about 16 million people. The capital is Lilongwe, steam coupons the official language English and cziczewa. It is one of the least developed countries in the world. With a very large percentage steam coupons of the population living in the countryside, living from agriculture. The economy is almost entirely based on agriculture. Produced here maize, beans, rice, tobacco and tea. A very important role in the budget of the country plays international steam coupons assistance, including from the IMF and the World Bank.
This is a country located on the island of Madagascar is inhabited by about 22

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When we say the word business, everyone thought coming high-rise, people in suits with laptops. All the wealthy, zagonieni the whirl of work and the rat race. It seems, therefore, frösunda the business can lead only a few, selected, privileged. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the management of capital and the basics of economics so basically we use in everyday life, ranging from household. Here we are, after all revenues and expenses should therefore be skillfully manage the household budget so that enough resources for all, and najpoprawniej to have something else to defer to the piggy bank. You should manage not only capital, but also time and people-everyone in the family has a responsibility to know their own responsibilities for their job when someone is not enforced, they lose to the other members of the household. Each month the head of the family makes predictions at the beginning and at the end of the analysis frösunda period assumptions. So, walking this line judge, anyone who skillfully manages a household budget, will be as a businessman.