Saturday, February 1, 2014

Une recette de crêpe simple pour les petits comme pour les grands Pendant que le chaudron s'enflamme

Besides simply go to Pescherie Saint Catherine les Arras and you'll see. This is great for pictures even in winter ducks. It must be said that many people bring them food then there reunification. radiograf
I made you a little summary of what I think they say, well I'm trying to understand their language it may be that I'm wrong! Yeah I'm a beginner in this kind of relationship.
Two sparrows perched on a telegraph wire. Suddenly, one of them is: Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! - What happened to you? I did not say anything funny! - No, this is a telegram radiograf that tickles me.
A duck walks into a bar and said: - Hello sir, you peanuts? - No sorry. Disappointed duck goes. The next day he returns radiograf to the bar and asked again: - Hello sir, you peanuts? - No, I've already said yesterday I do not have. The duck goes away and comes back the next day and the same question based barman, this time the man gets angry and threatens the duck: - I warn you, if you come back tomorrow to ask me peanuts I'll nail the beak counter! The duck goes away and comes back the next day: - Hello sir you have any nails? - No. - Oh! So you peanuts?
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