Friday, May 29, 2015

HAILEY, Idaho, June 4 (Reuters) - The hometown of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has canceled a ra

42 thoughts on “ Updated Map : Aleppo Battle ”
He vanish carpet cleaner is clearly Muslim, which is no big deal, but he subscribes to some radical channels. So sum total? The west never switched sides on the war on terror because they were never ont he right side to begin with. The Obama administration gave away 5 of the actual bad guys in Guantanamo ( as opposed to the legit POWs ) in return for ostensibly someone who is a traitor.
Man, you should ask guys from Syria if it was the same in the start of Syrian war, BUT first targets in Afghanistan in 1980, even before politicians were traditional islamic mullahs (killed by "taliban", US-pakistani religious sect). Same in Chechnya - i can remember at least 3 killings of Chechen elders and Mullahs in 1992-1993, and the spread of saudi sponsored "educational islamic centers" and prayer houses - separate from local mosques. In 2010-2011 was a spike of such murders in Tatarstan. It's my PERSONAL vanish carpet cleaner experience. If any Syrian can give me material on this topic, or if something alike happened in Syria - please give me links.
Rus.Lang- look at the first 2-3 years of the war in Syria: European/Australian djihadist could travel absolutely freely through a NATO-country (Turkey). This djihadism was definetely politically wanted and there was a cooperation and coordination. All major international intelligence agencies are involved in Syria, you think they would let a few bearded crazymen somehow cross their ways and plans unintenionally? No way...
Not to be mis-understood: those Takfiris are a religious sect with a "self-destruct"-ideology. They have nothing to do with ISLAM. But the public in the west mixes those two different beliefs, and this is politically wanted.
Why Richard Morningstar Is Threatening Azerbaijan with a Maidan
Dudley, Do you remember the other French guy (can't remember vanish carpet cleaner his name) who shot up a lot of kids at a Jewish vanish carpet cleaner school about a year ago? Well, reports say that his sister (who is 'very proud of her brother') has gone to Syria to help out in the jihad. vanish carpet cleaner
rus.lang I had heard before about saudi education centers and even mosques popping in various stans. I recall the logical progression vanish carpet cleaner is that money is spent, influence is peddled, moderate voices are silenced ( by threat or by violence ) and you end up with a bunch of bearded butchers where before you had a sense of brotherhood and inclusion.
goyim killing goyim,zionists are unclean unbaptized heathen, A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable for he is known and carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, vanish carpet cleaner his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself... vanish carpet cleaner for thetraitor appears no traitor: H e speaksin accents familiar to hisvictims, and he wears their faces and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the souls of all men. H e rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is to be less feared. Cicero vanish carpet cleaner
HAILEY, Idaho, June 4 (Reuters) - The hometown of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl has canceled a rally planned for later this month celebrating his release from five years of Taliban captivity, a municipal official told Reuters vanish carpet cleaner on Wednesday, amid allegations that he was a deserter.
Heather Dawson, the city administrator of Hailey, Idaho, said town officials called off the June 28 event at the request of organizers because the town "will be unable to safely manage the number of people expected." vanish carpet cleaner
The decision came as the small mountain community was coming under mounting pressure to cancel the rally amid rising anger over claims by some of Bergdahl's former Army comrades that he had deliberately abandoned his post in Afghanistan. (Reporting by Laura Zuckerman in Hailey, Idaho; Writing by Steve Gorman; Editing by Sandra Maler)
they just put a CIA asset in to try to calm things down. I posted this before but here is a letter from the tribes to the bitch US ambassador who represents nothing but the worst of humanity vanish carpet cleaner - neither representing the will of good US people or libyans.
....................../ /) ....................,/ ../ .................../..../ ............./ /'...'/ ` ........../'/.../..../......./ \ ........('(... ... .... ~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _. ............\..............( ..............\.............\... reads like an articulate middle finger salute your welcome
Thanks Frank. We must not forget Libya, (for this is where the ratverment infestation began) but the article you cited is now very dated. May I offer to direct you or anyone interested vanish carpet cleaner in the last surviving voice of the true Green Resistance to these links: theorbo1.wordpr

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