Sunday, May 31, 2015

Categories Categories Select Category 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 4th Amendment 9/11 Agenda 21 Big B

Categories Categories Select Category 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment 4th Amendment 9/11 Agenda 21 Big Brother Bitcoin Border Collapse CIA – Project Mockingbird Civil Unrest Death of the Dollar Ebola Economy Energy/Oil/Alternative Epic Drought Eugenics/Vaccines/Population Control False Flag Fascism Flight MH17 Flight MH370 Fukushima Geoengineering/Climate Geopolitics GMO Health & Nutrition Illuminati Liberty Rising Market Manipulation Medical Industrial Complex Metals News NWO Tyranny Paris False Flag Paris Siege Police State Prep Professional Hit/Suicided? Satanism Satire SGT Interviews SGT micro-docs SGTreport – Original Content how to clean blinds Spirituality The Unexplained/UFO Tranhumanism WW III/Cold how to clean blinds War II Zionism
Headlines: The safest ways to detox heavy metals In Denial: We Pursue Endless Growth At Our Peril No One is Safe in a Post-Antibiotic World How US And China Can Avoid A War Versus Bonner on Weak US Data, The Chinese Economy and Summer Travel “I Was Treated Like an Animal”: Pregnant Woman Wrestled to Ground in Unlawful Arrest Large 8.5M earthquake strikes near Japan (7.8M revised magnitude) Air Force Calling for Lasers on Aircraft by 2023 Anti-Gravity Technology — Stan Deyo Shocking Proof Of EXACTLY How Dems Want To Forever Change America In This Huge Way
January 10th, 2015 | Category: CIA - Project how to clean blinds Mockingbird, False Flag, Fascism, News, NWO Tyranny, how to clean blinds Paris Siege 59 comments to MUST LISTEN: Unraveling the Charlie-Hebdo Massacre FALSE FLAG — Webster Tarpley & Jeff Rense
I don’t know myself but I wounder what an AK does to a human head at close range? I know what a ballistically similar how to clean blinds 30/30 does to a dear, but here’s what it does to a watermelon: Just in case it wasn’t a 7.62, here’s what a 5.45 does to a watermelon: I don’t know the details of exactly what happened in France, but what I do know is that the video of that cop getting shot is fake as hell, and Gladio was an admitted op in Europe how to clean blinds and if they’d do it before there’s no reason to think they wouldn’t do it now
What jumps out at me in the video is how these two supposedly bad-ass terrorists how to clean blinds get into the car. Watch the dude get into the car on the passenger side, he or she has to first gingerly pick up a shoe, and then gingerly gets into the car like a little “Nancy.” You would expect bad-ass terrorists to barrel how to clean blinds down the road with car doors open or half open, maybe guns sticking out the window,….not these guys or girls, they had to get their seatbelts on first before taking off at grandma speed. how to clean blinds All looks goofy and staged to me.
One how to clean blinds never really how to clean blinds knows what could be pulled from ones trunk or from under the back seat in small town, God fearing, good ole USA…if/when a bunch of evil fucks attempt to intimidate regular folks.
Yes. For it to be believed NOT a false flag, they should learn from Mossad – ie. targeted assassinations. This was a daylight murder spree which practically advertised to the world….”Please come get us! We are that Islamist group in Iraq and Syria. Bomb the nations we are at! Support all wars that claim to ‘hunt’ us down.”
It does get pretty old when everything is called a false flag especialy when it comes to muslims aka terrorists causing problems. When everything is a false flag then nothing is true. Bad things do happen and they are not all caused by secret boogeyman. The alternative media is losing credibility and going over the cliff.
good one Travis. We leave you to Anderson Cooper, multi-millionaire heir to the Astor fortune for your info. Good luck with that. As for this event, we are on the same side as, Intellihub, 21st Century Wire and Infowars to name but a few. We are in good company with our analysis of this latest how to clean blinds FALSE FLAG operation.
If you people cry false flag at every turn, people will no longer take you seriously. It’s like crying the “sky is falling”. It is sophomoric. It does not make you appear to be more perceptive than the average individual. THIS IS HOW THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA LOSES CREDIBILITY. You may find it hard to believe, how to clean blinds but there are muslims who don’t like us. They don’t need the CIA or the NSA to set up their anger. They just really don’t like us and are willing to kill.
Speaking from experience, a 45 defense round put into a head at close range leaves little damage, certainly no “explosion”, very little certainly no gushing blood, very little entry wound and no exit wound. Just saying.
I agree, Tom. While there ARE false flags out there, not every damned thing that happens IS a false flag. Some really bad s**t really does happen sometimes. The part of this that interests how to clean blinds me most is that the odds of keeping something like this secret, which all FFs

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