Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thirdly, their omnipresence meet the same and in the most profitable days (Friday evening cvbankas

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Disklaymer: This text is not fueling conflict between employers and residents of the city, just one wants to see our city clean and asks to respect labor janitors, and everyone who is trying to keep the city clean and tidy, while others believe that it is not advertising cvbankas nor anyone interfere. We are looking for compromises and no more.
"I do not need a lighthouse" - under this heading came a note from Nina Sazontevoy in category "People News" newspaper "local time". What would make it clear what I want to tell you, I certainly quote a note from the newspaper.
"The door handles of our apartments can often see flyers ... What a nice beacon for thieves ... Do not remove a paper master - hence, his home and no access to free stuff. Once I broke down and called the sushi because its advertising is constantly hanging on my door. Began to explain why I am against such annoying ads. I was told that if they steal will do with it, and I did not beat, could not convince otherwise. Maybe the security forces will take the explanatory work with such advertisers? "
Well first, if you slap on the door, then you have the same right to do with their doors. You can write whatever you want, print it and hang it on the door. Here is how fancy work. Here are a couple: "I was poisoned in this cafe," "Thank you for the venom," "You litter our city," "Closed!" And the vile text for them (but no image) the better. Entrepreneurs are people resistant and strong, but that in my case the door driveway washed the same day after only one call. I even did not do anything out of the door, and just told them that if they are allowed to litter and I do from the front door as they please, then I can do the door of their office that I like. It worked, honestly! Washed stamp on the same day.
Second, if such messages and calls are not confronted with a business idea then spread the garbage go to a different plan. The main thing is not lazy. After another "calculations" of information garbage cvbankas goes all the porch, the house in general ... how many have the strength and collect all their brochures. Collect, crushing them in a box and take to the coffee shop (office), dumped near a cafe, but if brave enough, then we call the head or dumped without this garbage in their area. If you rozsharpaye box next to the cafe, the cafe will be additional to the enemy in the face SATUshnikov who in turn complain to the negligent maintenance of the surrounding area. Remember that booklets should spoil (pour, mash).
Thirdly, their omnipresence meet the same and in the most profitable days (Friday evening cvbankas or Saturday). Call them, call them for any reason. Asks them about your products, cvbankas ask about delivery time and possibility to compose custom, the opportunity to make a delivery order for drilling rigs for 40km from the city. In Internet slang, they must be thick trolls. Talk for hours, unless you have time, you can call and complain about the same leaflets 2-3 times a day and presented with different addresses. Call no reason and hang up eventually. Occupy their phone line. If you have unlimited landline phone, just perform a redial. Take the line so that customers wishing to eat at Friday evening were not able to reach them. After all it's what gives cause.
There are other more expensive options to combat employers who refuse cvbankas to listen and continue to litter our porches. Because I sure again that the "orphanage" they do not hang their brochures on doorknobs. Probably cvbankas believe that their product is worthy cvbankas of successful people, though of course they are just afraid to get in the neck of the establishment.
If you decide to create a conflict, do it as much, but then again following cvbankas the laws of the Russian Federation. And whether calls or taping their doors - all carried out in a commercially cvbankas profitable cvbankas for businesses days.
Remember you can smother any business, but the choke should only interfere if you really live a life ruining someone else just so pampered activist, you find Cons in existence. So try no conflicts peacefully negotiate and try not to trash pasted cvbankas even on your porch. Solve for the whole house, too, is not required, can someone Podo

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