Monday, April 28, 2014

Flag Green Wedge are in the edge where the early XX century hoarding definition Ukrainian populatio

Flag Green Wedge are in the edge where the early XX century hoarding definition Ukrainian population more than any other nationality. Called this region the Green Wedge (another name - Green Ukraine) - Ukrainian colony in the southern part of the Far East, at the bottom of the river Amur and the Pacific Ocean; area of about 1 million km .
The first attempts to master the Green Wedge occur in the first half of the XVII century, in the middle of the XIX century on the second expansion of; on the initiative of General Unterberger 1882 free settlers moved - almost exclusively Ukrainian hoarding definition peasants - the sea from Odessa and allocation of land in the best of them-Siberian lowland Hankivskiy.
According to research Soviet scientist VM Kabuzan in the 1883-1905 biennium to the Far East just moved 172,876 people from the Ukrainian provinces - 109,510 people, or 63.4% of all immigrants. Most of them settled in coastal areas - Ukrainian 77,139, ie 78.1%. Among immigrants to the Amur region in this period the percentage was smaller and Ukrainian was 47.8. I should add that the place of origin among immigrants to Amurschyny substantially prevailed Poltava - 64,51% of immigrants from the Right Bank Ukraine was much smaller. hoarding definition The share of Ukrainian in coastal areas to 1903 was never lower than 75%.
In 1906-1916 he was in the Far East came to 259,522 people, including Ukrainian - 166787, or 64,27%. Although this period immigrants from Ukraine came over, but the proportion of them fell from 65.82% to 64.27% due to immigrants from other provinces of European Russia. With this phase of Ukrainian immigrants 102618 (61,25%) settled in coastal areas. It was Chernigov - 21.57%, Kiev, Volhynians and podolyane together accounted for 47125 persons and another 7202 men - from the steppes of Ukraine.
According to V. Kabuzan in the 1850-1916 biennium from Ukraine to the Far East moved 276,300 people, or 56.54% of all immigrants. In the Amur region accounted for 49.7% of Ukrainian settlers in Seaside - 61.2% ..
- In early 1917 the Far East massively open circles "Community". The most powerful Ukrainian movement was in Vladivostok. Here the local "communities" zapysalosya over 1.5 thousand Ukrainian; many of them soldiers. Some of Ukrainian political parties - the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Social Democrats. From April 30, 1917 published the first in the Far East Ukrainian newspaper "Ukrainian".
June 13-14 in Mykolska Ussuri was convened and the total nationwide congress hoarding definition leaders and citizenship hoarding definition Far East. The initiator of convening hoarding definition his teacher was the Far Eastern Association, whose chairman was A. Stupak.
In this first congress and begins active Ukrainian scheduled work on the Green Wedge. Congress was attended by 53 representatives of more than 20 civil and military organizations (communities, cooperatives, military and teachers' unions, hoarding definition etc.). Participated in some committees and about a hundred Ukrainian in an advisory capacity. hoarding definition
Leaders of the Ukrainian movement in Green Wedge in their struggle focuses on using large Ukraine. It was believed that if Ukraine will become an independent state, then the Green Wedge automatically separate from Moscow. This is reflected in the decisions of the Second All-Ukrainian Congress of the Far East, which was held in Khabarovsk in January 1918, it was an appeal to the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic, that it is its policy of Russian hoarding definition authorities demanded the recognition part of the Green Wedge Ukrainian State as there are national Ukrainian majority. The population of the Green Wedge was thrown even the cry of "All for the Protection of Ukraine." Yuri Glushko-Speech - The Prime Minister of the Green Wedge, 1920
The third congress, held in April 1918, it was decided - to fight for the establishment of an independent Ukrainian state in the Pacific and the formation of Ukrainian Army Green Wedge. Guide was transferred Craiova Secretariat (Government) headed hoarding definition by Yuri Glushko-yu Mahwah.
The third session of the National Council was held in November 1920 in Vladivostok. It was discussed whether to participate in elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Far East. Session offered by national election constituencies. This proposal does not meet the interests of Moscow, was therefore rejected in Chita, and the Secretariat refused election. At this same session, was elected the new secretariat, which led to the Ukrainian cause his arrest in November 1922 the Bolsheviks. The Secretariat included Yuri Language Dmitry Kysylov, Vitaly Beetle, Stephen Prant, Andrew G. and Krishtofovich Mohyletskyy. hoarding definition This led the Secretariat hoarding definition to prepare convocation V Far Ukrainian Congress.
Recently, hoarding definition through a policy hoarding definition of assimilation Ukrainian population of the Far East is rapidly declining. This trend is clearly revealed in the data of the Russian census of 2011, according

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