Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hello, I read a reference to Levašova, the Slovak cleaning lady science and tell you ... it is a fo

Blog about everything, from what we can to protect Orgon, until our planet is ruled by mad "global rulers': CHEMTRAILS, ARTIFICIAL CONTROL WEATHER, CLIMATE WEAPONS, invented" global warming "of radiation from cellular antennas, cleaning lady cell phones, computers, ARTIFICIAL Diseases, HANDLING NOTE. Orgonitový ZAPPER helps cure. Orgon can easily make each. Harmonise yourself, your family, home, neighborhood, workplace, region, planet. Join the worldwide movement of donors orgonite - gifting.
Home Links to radars and satellites Related blogs and websites Contact. About me. Orgon and Orgonite: basic concepts How to Make Orgonite vinegar dissolves chemtrails and artificial thunderclouds Orgon and Weather Control on OrgoNet FAQ: Why and how to control the weather? Database: Photos and videos
Thanks for the video follows the previous post. This time not parallel lightning, but significant glimpses ... Source: me just adds the downloaded image in which a nice ring flash and parallel key, this time to the northeast ... Active radar really thick, fly there yourself ...
A jukněte the activity of HAARP ... alive again. And on this site, it is the usa site rather not reveal. What grinds where again? Milan Delete Reply
It Orgonet: What did you manage to capture the satellite image - in the upper left corner - reminds me a lot of radar units, which last year appeared several times over (and probably only above) Australia. Here is the article cleaning lady where the theory of what it might be: Maybe someone else will know more? Have a nice day! Richard cleaning lady Reply Delete
Hello, I read a reference to Levašova, the Slovak cleaning lady science and tell you ... it is a force ... Copies piece here: # hlbiny_kozmologie .......... Thus, if the new time and self it gave up, let's at least one post of President of American Anti-Defamation cleaning lady League (ADL) Abraham Foxman, which was published in The National Observer, New York, 25 August 1998, which clearly says it all: "Gentlemen! I welcome you to the historic meeting in Case hundred-year anniversary of the Elders of Zion. We have achieved all the goals formulated at our first meeting 100 years ago. We run the government. cleaning lady We created a contradiction between our enemies and have prompted them to destroy one another. We certainly remove the critics of our work, and we are the richest cleaning lady race of all the earth. I'm talking about the death of the white race. We completely destroy any resources that come from the so-called Aryans RACE. It is time to convince cleaning lady the White Race folded THROUGH GENETIC MIXING and in fact is brought to ZERO fertility. We are all delighted vision is often repeated imagery from around the world - the last white kids to play with dark children and know that this is the path to the ultimate destruction of the white race. We can destroy the Ancients clean lines BLOOD Aryans, encouraging altruism and producing hybrid offspring. There are also more aggressive programs. They aim to destroy the next generation of white children, and this goal is worth any price. We want all white father he felt the difficulties of white children and produced mixed descendants. We must use our government to slander white men and women, those who still intend to preserve their racial purity. The new company cleaning lady will be the subject of penalties. To gentiles could join, they need to kill and close to the prison. MY TOTAL OVER THE END white race only when accelerated wash white children sensitizes them into agents of their own destruction. Our efforts to create a people of this type in the white race has brought success. Such men are no longer separate people. People, you and your ancestors cleaning lady have worked hard, so that we can admire when we have a government afterwards, in order to maintain FATE white race in their hands. cleaning lady Now that we already have. HYŇTE, Aryan GOJI (horned cleaning lady ANIMALS!) Well, where we belong, Slovakia - in the light of day or cattle for slaughter? Are Apostles spiritual slavery, who claim that their Lord will arrange everything so that we let him. There are also self-proclaimed prophets Slavs who seek personal gain rather than a real old beliefs. They generally also expected that without arms and harness it self gives the right path and those who millennium systematically destroy our race to recover by themselves and suddenly they're good ... Well, our Gods intervene, cleaning lady we know that Perun is already on the way to Midgrad-earth to finally end to the reign of the dark forces. But our faith has never claimed that we have nothing to do, so we are not confused by accident - it is the path to our end. On the contrary, we are born later that we learned to create and build on our well-being

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