Thursday, October 10, 2013

Daring women are also shown as a squat tricks, flawless transition, jump or ballet

Yosemite National Park - Imagine a rock only a few inches wide rope hanging of more than one kilometer above the ground. View is spectacular, from a place called Taft Point in the U.S. National carpet cleaning san diego Park also seen Yosemite Falls, the valley. But not to attract the attention of dozens of spectators, but youthful women to show off lane breathtaking tricks!
25-year-old American Hayley Ashburn and only a year older Emily Sukiennik are among the few women who devote so. Slacklining at such high altitudes. What demonstrated to Taft Point in Yosemite National Park in eastern carpet cleaning san diego central California, but stopped viewers breath and opened carpet cleaning san diego her mouth wide open.
Tricks in the lane kilometers of young women certainly belong to a professional. The rope does not really underneath nezakývalo! Slacklining in fact reminds circus povrazolezectvo, terms of walking on a stretched strap, but in this case, not just a few meters above the ground, but more than a few hundred meters! Daring women can inspire others
Daring women are also shown as a squat tricks, flawless transition, jump or ballet "cord". Keeping the lane in an amount yet be capable carpet cleaning san diego of take - not merely the perfect control your own body and every single muscle, but also maintain the balance, concentration and certainly carpet cleaning san diego proper courage.
According to the newspaper The Daily Mirror is taking carpet cleaning san diego over the performance of women as onlookers shouts: "This is crazy." "I never would have done that." "How can this keep the lane?" "How carpet cleaning san diego is it that the rope does not move, neprehne?" Women supposedly commented as follows: "Many people simply do not believe. They say, it would never have, but I believe that many of them contrary yes."
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