Thursday, October 31, 2013

February (32)

Every time you hope that the kids thanks to a later sleep-rides later rise, it definitely will not happen. When the kindergarten days of wake-up time of 15.7 and a half until my kids wake up in time, then, this morning, were both, of course, point at the top seven. I put clothes on them, poured krõbuskeid both large bowl and a cup of milk, I put a cartoon on and said that bananas and apples in the kitchen, I let no more be commingled, get up at ten o'clock.
Nojaa, do they finally came to mingle again - at least five times in nine and ten ran out of the room. But I will still be nice to take a nap. When finally got up, the children showed me their living room bedroom with built-in desk download
We ate together, and we started it off pasteedileibu how to remove carpet edges. I guess the disagreement was, as I thought before the room should be cleaned up, but the kids did not agree with me so that when the end actually how to remove carpet got on the bus, was at two and a half to go to the market was no longer makes sense. Sõitsimegi directly to the library.
The library is still not very good. I very enjoy this a new tradition on Saturday. how to remove carpet First of all, take your books away and take new ones, then we go kids party. They give themselves an aunt of his books back, you're going to children's corner, where they review and choose, I'm going to read your book or answer their questions. Hastily have children make sense to go the library, how to remove carpet it would be torture for all. But if the time is enough, it is pure joy.
The three libraries were closed, then moved on. We bought a center of Pärnu Mama Toni's Ice Cream, Port Arthur rebaseonu ham and sausage. With the children remembered exactly that too last and only time when we went out to buy the service desk together (which still had some time ago), the seller gave them each a slice of sausage - so called now. Said
At home I was told to start immediately how to remove carpet for new books to read - I guess I will read some. Soon, friends came to visit, so that the children had activities and I were dining at a number of nicer because I got it from the chat. Even with full washing machine to wash myself again.
And it was at seven. Entice kids to brush their teeth for a little bit before that - with the promise that you will read this evening, especially in a long time. Lugesimegi a chapter in the book Car, another Lotte, a story of Kaka and spring, finally, a few more poems, too.
And the night was also completely normal Saturday night. It was three-quarters of ten. Thought I'd do something constructive. To begin with, the plan came down to do the laundry dry quicker. I went to the stove and watched it from a horrible messy, I have long been thought to be clean, but I think it always did when he came down, and the hot stove, after all, does not clean. I took it down, cleaned pliidipealse away, thinking that maybe clean up a bit more.
The thing ended that shifts the electric stove place, which gave an opportunity to clean off the stove onto the floor and the wall behind it, as well as both sides of the stove are that face - there is otherwise so narrow crevice that can not be accessed. Well, when I was already up, then nühkisin stoves over the wall to the roof clean. Küürisin an hour, then just as suddenly became totally a damper, so to move quickly back to the stove, and I did come down. This resulted in what I was going to do an hour ago
I have a double room between the wall of the furnace due to component taken away. The reason that the heat better and spread the love to me than any of the morning sun's how to remove carpet rays also goes into the other room. The difference is due to fire safety, and never left the old houses were built kyll tight. If I could have put in there seinaäärtele no stone material, it should not be more off the beauty of the stone oven. I've how to remove carpet seen an old farmhouse white kahhelkiviahju and wall sealing is stacked ymber clay stone brick wall. Oh, it will not get more expensive oven to highlight the eye and the thing went very cluttered. Children Preventable put a hole in the wall for a two-öökapikesed bamboo. Someone will no longer want to go out there. Our D, which is about five a girl fell out of bed the floor, how to remove carpet I would not have such a thing ever bought. Hullamishoos, how to remove carpet actually sleeping under.
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