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The program CT24 of 10 6th 2013 by the current floods choosing interesting scene where a very eloquent and clever lady says flash floods wash out everything unpacked. (I do not think those other influences - "it looks like it's not all just natural to try to make" - meant klimaterorismus rather problematic about the abandonment of water from the dams, but who knows ...) http:// whole program CT24:
I salute exactly homicide life on the street as it is. They asked me kids: Mom and totality / always ošiju / floods were? Not, dear children, a local character, was in fact greater individual responsibility and smaller degree weather manipulation and printing. Dita Reply Delete
We do not want to offend anyone but ... How old are you? Floods were a smaller rate of handling pressures? Yes, in the years 1996 to 1998. Individual responsibility, greater yes but only against one side of the ruling party. Neblbnime follows children. Jožo Clear
And you kids not tried to ask if there were floods in France Joseph? homicide life on the street At that time there had been floods at least as common as today. In 1890, even flood badly damaged the Charles Bridge homicide life on the street so that on it over two years could go. The second half of the 20th century, according to chronicles, exceptionally, by how little has been flooding. Clear
I wonder who manipulated the weather in 1890, the flow was even bigger than this ... aIf will be a period of dominance of a single homicide life on the street hruzostrany, I mentioned r 1953, when the threshold saved from the flood, then nearly empty newly built Slapska the ... Clear
Kradousek and our other political crooks that need to know that there is a population committed to our global klimateror, and that the damage you have incurred have direct involvement with them. They should be tried for crimes against humanity and genocide against its own people! Clear
Thank God, people are starting to wake up a bit. Pity it did not encounter someone who already has about couples and rekll by how it really is. about it then the same neodvysilali. The lady will not long for knowledge certainly gave it to her to see. only lament, but also premysl!! I wish people affected zaplavamy nerve Reply Delete
Unable to connect to your site esp for raising awareness on zhnědlých parliamentary sheets after we tried to continue raising awareness of weather modification, floods, local control and drought-induced tornadoes. ('Well, this embarrassing., Just for browned PL) - Can you please put up again and expand an article about HAARP and time travel. Thank you. Otherwise, weather and chemtrail. throughout the Czech Republic is the same. We need to get together and start bránit.I in the spiritual realm since prehistoric homicide life on the street times our country has always fought homicide life on the street against evil and our souls are pure. Maybe that's why so much interest in our country. Hello and I wish the best to you, family and all readers and discussion. Reply Delete
Exactly about it until recently played fiercely dramatically - the spirit of this country (Czech homicide life on the street Republic) and Prague, which had a compromise, homicide life on the street perhaps destroy itself satanael (spawn of hell) or the Antichrist. But he was chased out of the temple Prague to Bratislava, but he did not do there too long. I drove him away, and now čachruje with his satanic theater with Putin in Moscow. Clear
The globalists are planning to abolish all private homicide life on the street property, and everything will be just for money for rent. One means of doing this is intentional destruction artificially manipulated elements, and get as many people into absolute dependence on the system matrix! Clear
Maybe it's weird, but I know of at least floods since late last year. Even the date it became quite accurately the end of May and beginning of June. But no conspiracy in that look. It's just an animal "instinct". But try to write to someone at the end of this year will be floods. Will you tap on the forehead. Reply Delete
Exactly :-) people are finally starting to open their eyes ........ with today's weather is handled ..... it's not natural as it used to be :-). They are not the so-called conspiracy theory but really!!! Reply Delete
Dear Orgon and everyone else, this is a set of links that
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