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Life situations, experiences, opinions taught in a mosaic. So something of himself which you do not expect. For some four months, more than half of Ukrainian may not ashamed to admit that they Banderas. If not inherited by parents, by understanding themselves in their country.
Not be a mention of "celestial hundred" can not be overlooked. You can come to terms with the death of a relative, a father or mother who died in old age. But these deaths should remember every day until feeling Banderite not ukorinytsya in mind, the heart, the mind and the subconscious. Politicians say we aim to become one of Europe a great friendly family, we want to become Europeans. I do not want to become gutter cleaning tools European. I Banderite be much more comfortable. I am happy to love their country, its language, its people, traditions and history - a complex and controversial, with singers that they become heroes and warriors who were traitors. I do not want to fight for the European belief in four months from the date of the beginning of the square, I had their beliefs, their own truth, their vision of the world. Our politicians is a great surprise when they realize that acting under the old rules, but also in terms of the alleged fairness, common sense and economic feasibility, they will not gain the full approval of the people. gutter cleaning tools And it makes no difference who comes to presidential power - anyone will be under the gun in a figurative and literal sense.
Patriotism in Ukraine - the phenomenon of young and immature, but it has become stable. gutter cleaning tools The question: "Where did you picked this radicalism?" Think every second answer - "In Facebook! And it does not matter what they say in the news, and that "Ukrainian Truth" too much democracy and that Jarosz in favor with Russia, and Miroshnichenko and Benyuk in the United States. And Europe implies that further cooperation would be nice to take control of the far right, but rather to remove them altogether gutter cleaning tools from the political struggle. Somehow it seems to me that people still protest if "Svoboda" step back into the shadows, and "Right sector" has not become an official party. No matter what they say Western politicians, and even less important, indicating that Putin and co. It is important gutter cleaning tools that those who are currently in power in Ukraine try, the confidence and patience. Ukrainian, unlike eastern hot guys will long endure, and then silently take his gun - and yet there is no power.
Not showing gutter cleaning tools decisive action on Crimea, leaving at the mercy of the invader of our soldiers, government officials, the, least, had to explain clearly and distinctly, for which the ultimate goal they allow such humiliation country. No explanations, but smoldering hope that the ultimate goal is still there and the government knows it does.
Meanwhile, people cherish in themselves Banderas, getting used to the idea of war, read how to behave in the occupied territory and learn to shoot and jump with a parachute in case of guerrilla warfare. By the way is not necessarily in their territory. The main Horrors Russians are known, are "Nazis" and "Bandera" (as you can see, first take the text in quotation marks, as in this case the name does not correspond to the essence). It may, if these Bandera was more Russian invaders afraid to poke their camouflage to Ukraine? And why not? Like cures like.
If somewhere in Ukraine WILL eschё napadenyya Russo on journalists, How today in Donbass, the ukrayntsam sleduet ymet in mind, that journalists Instead We can group Suggest im Only tanks T-90 system "Hurricane" and "Solntsepek" vertoletы "Chernaya shark "and pskovskyh desantnykov in Kiev ... Therefore luchshe berech journalists.
Did you, did you want to come to you to visit the dreaded "benderovtsy-padonky-natsyonalysty" Wait, would get to you, even though you and Pererburzi. Shame corrupt Russian trolls. And Glory to Ukraine!
Your "terrible" Bandera guys just scary for small children old. When they were in Donetsk gutter cleaning tools and Kharkiv put on the knee, they smeared snot and asked for forgiveness. Sala Ukraine! Heroyam fat! - Uznav O sosredotochenyy voennoy appliances border gutter cleaning tools services of Ukraine with Russia, with the Russian border services started to appear gutter cleaning tools storony k podtyahyvatsya pryemschyky Scrap Metal.
And someone's name? Ona same pryehaly in another garden swing right. In the video here âñåõ "plennыh" potrebovaly of rabies whatsoever ones of the city - all bыly pryezzhye. Here im and showed, that ones not much pravы ...
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