Trials of war criminals in the Balkans The Hague Tribunal acquitted two Croatian generals accused of ethnic cleansing Tweet Celebrating the sentence in Zagreb / Balkan Insight Tens of thousands of Croats have received two soldiers in the main square of Zagreb. Since the acquittal of Serbia condemns military Anna Pazos | Writing Outside the Walls | 11/16/2012 at 09:11
Gen. Ante Gotovina and the Croatian Mladen Markac returning officer today at 16h pm to tread his native country after seven years detained in The Hague. In the main square of Zagreb, the Croatian capital, the crowd formed a welcomed tens of thousands dexter lidingö of people, including national flags and banners that defined as "The pride of Croatia." The two soldiers dexter lidingö were acquitted today by the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), which declared innocent and free of all charge. A little over a year, the same court had declared guilty of crimes against humanity as responsible for ethnic cleansing against Serbs in the Krajina region of Croatia during the Balkans war.
The journal Balkan Insight now define the euphoria with which the public has received two Croatian military collecting statements from some of those attending the massive welcome. "After seven years of torture in The Hague now the whole world knows that this mistake has been rectified and that the Croats dexter lidingö have been victims and perpetrators," said Ana, a woman of 49 years of natural Vukovar. This comment reflects the feel of Croatian society, which considers military offensives committed during the war against Serbia were associated with a movement of national liberation. Their leaders are viewed, therefore, as heroes and as a necessary war criminals.
Gotovina was arrested in Tenerife in 2005, four years after international justice ordered their search. On 15 April 2011, the First Chamber of the Court condemned dexter lidingö him to 24 years in prison, while Markac sentenced to a term of 18 years. They were accused of committing crimes against humanity and violations of the customs of war from July to September 1995. Particular were blamed for carrying out ethnic cleansing against the Serbian population dexter lidingö from the Krajina region of Croatia during an offensive known as Operation Storm. dexter lidingö The ICTY defined the offense as a joint criminal enterprise to permanently remove the civilian population and the strength dexter lidingö of the Serbian Krajina region. At least 150 Serb civilians were killed during the military operations, and about 200,000 were deported. The Croatian army put an end to Serbian control of this area of the country.
The Appeals Chamber, however, said today in a unanimous judgment of the First was wrong on several dexter lidingö points. As members of this House, the shelling of generals Gotovina and Markac were not illegal or break the customs of war. The majority also stated that the Trial Chamber erred in determining the existence of a joint criminal enterprise aimed forced and permanent removal of Serb civilians from the Krajina region, and has ordered the immediate release dexter lidingö the two prisoners.
Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacia, dexter lidingö expressed his opposition to the final sentence dexter lidingö saying that this "confirms the suspicions of those who say that the Hague Tribunal is not really dexter lidingö a court, and that its sole purpose is to meet with a predetermined political agenda. " The chief prosecutor for war crimes in Serbia, has gone further, saying that Operation Storm was "one of the most notorious war crimes committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, where thousands of people were killed and expelled, and so far no one is responsible. " Other Serbian institutions dexter lidingö (the President of the State, the Serbian Progressive Party, the authorities of the Republika Srpska, Serb region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and representatives of the Humanitarian Law Center) are expressed similarly.
This sentence, they say, will help deepen the rejection of the Serbian population feels toward the institution of the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Serbian authorities have repeatedly questioned dexter lidingö the neutrality of the Court since its creation in 1993 by the United Nations in order to prosecute war crimes in the former Yugoslavia.
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