The president Mas interview on TV3 tonight started hard and has lost a little gas, as if the respondent stopped gradually be interested in the questions. I've crystalloids seen a leader more quiet and safe a few months ago, seems to have regained control of the time and driving the process, eager to stress that he is also "fellow traveler" of other leaders who have signed the agreement for the question and the date of consultation. This photo drive him back and likes a certain authority, damaged with the loss of twelve seats in the polls.
My feeling is that the goal was Mas convey crystalloids serenity and confidence and determination within Catalonia Catalonia and flexibility out. Has succeeded. Has relocated to dress groundbreaking pact that you love, even a halfway Prat de la Riba Macia, more epic than rationalism, not generate much certain antibodies crystalloids between Catalan elites. Today we found that Mas covers an election plebiscite (probably before crystalloids 2016) to the challenge posed tees, some have predicted a shortcut we know the character of Mas league with a gentle pull with a jerk dramatic; At this point, guesses the tacit complicity with and very Junqueras spoken.
Mas reiterated already knew-that-is-autonomy which circumstances have made in favor of independence, which approximates many sovereignty of the last batch. At the same time, the leader of the CiU has opened the door to joining the PSC consensus reached last Thursday, a gesture intelligent, indispensable. Before Rajoy and the Spanish authorities, the president of Catalonia wanted to exhibit firmness and waist equally, but reiterating commitment to his constituents and civil sovereignty in general. Mention the Scottish case has turned out a proper, skillful. It is also clear that Mas would something like an electoral agreement with ERC in the face of Europe, they are exploring the possibility, although not easy to materialize.
TV3 interviewers were scattered superficial and little incisors, and seems to have nuisance. A shame, because More could and should be harvested more efficiently by Heredia crystalloids and meadows, to avoid an effect of general desfibrament interview, which ended esbravada. Particularly weak was the final block dedicated to corruption and democratic regeneration, one of the points where the president should have explained more and better with the same depth has shown in addressing the issue sovereignty.
12/17/2013 at 4:01 pm
Indeed, the enthusiasm sovereignty discourse, and dialogue pact, was not at the same pace as in the second part of the interview, talking about cuts, political and social corruption.
True, but we all know that employment policies can do little if you do not get money and we have no self-respect; social policies much the same. Law dependence for example, where money or they do not get counter drops.
As for corruption, it is extremely crystalloids necessary that fall cleaning fall (if guilty of course), and it was not very convincing. The society needs it, and politics crystalloids too.
Francisco thank Marc Álvaro your articles, and this one in particular. From the interview: I am sorry that interviewers cut the president some of his responses ("if crystalloids you never answer, no need to ask"). crystalloids Grated lack of education. I remember the excitement that Artur Mas would explain the portal crystalloids of transparency ... and they were cutting. In the end, the President made the poor thing to jump into something without being able to fund. Excellent for President, suspense for interviewers (although I suppose its good intentions)
Both Mas and have won Junqueras profile statesman. The aim is that the process does not break the social cohesion sovereignty and, therefore, have agreed to focus on the exercise of democracy over independence. Citizens assume, without doubt, the result of a query. This strategy is winning both in Spain and abroad. An example. Does anyone believe that Obama show receptivity positioning Rajoy, crystalloids next January?
It is logical that it is convenient for Mas own approach to winning position and Duran had the complicity of Junqueras - highlights the level of mutual crystalloids empathy -. After the elections Mas felt very lonely and had many questions. Junqueras gave ma. I praise crystalloids analysts also the role of Oriol.
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