From 19 to 28 September Compostela gastronomic having outstanding cocieiros Santiago Luca Freitas, A Tafona House Lunch and Iago Castrilln, the ACIO, abrirn this cycle of lectures talking about 'The spontaneity in cocia' CDS | 02/09/2014
Compostela gastronomic, Festival of Scotland crabby snacks and homemades Galicia, include in healthy programming cycle papers featuring some of the most prominent cocieiros hostalara of the city, which share n limelight crabby snacks and homemades with reputed cocieiros Galicians and espaois. From 19 to 28 September, a total of eight local chefs amosarn SAS experiences crabby snacks and homemades through presentations and entertaining cooking show, demostracins of cocia live.
Luca Freitas, A Tafona House Lunch and Iago Castrilln, the ACIO, abrirn this cycle of lectures talking about 'The spontaneity in Scotland'. Manel Oliveira, the Castelao and Siro Gonzalez, the Caldern, ofrecern crabby snacks and homemades a conference entitled 'Product, time, people'. Iago Pazos and Marcos Cerqueira, the Abastos crabby snacks and homemades 2.0 falarn the 'baked (the) market: mileage. E Aln Jar, Caf Altamira, and Jos Antonio Brenlla of iron, will participate in this program with a presentation entitled 'Sabores de Compostela in small bites'.
Several of these local chefs will take part in a panel discussion titled "Present and future of cocia Compostela. Under the name of the visionaries saw the galician, is also having a round table in which present outstanding winemakers They will be cut Galicia. The lawyer Carlos Lema Devesa, Catedrtico Commercial Law at the Universidad crabby snacks and homemades Complutense de Madrid, also offers a conference crabby snacks and homemades centered on the theme of 'Protection of xurdica culinary creation.'
In parallel celebration of the reports and round tables, 'Compostela crabby snacks and homemades gastronomic' will develop a program crabby snacks and homemades of activities in specialized city. The Bodeguilla de San Lazaro, the Gastroteca, space enocultural, video !, the restaurant vioteca single component eafbrica beers craftsman Sons of Malte Serna scenarios where held various tasting grapes and wine bone, wine tasting of xamn ibrico and other gourmet products, presentacins new vintages and courses initiation culture and tasting wines.
For ten of the Festival of Galician count is also baked with a conference given by professional chefs as prestigious as Mario Sandoval (National Prize of Gastronomy 2013), Francis Paniego, Diego Guerrero, Flavio Morganti or Firo Vazquez. For general opblico also have children workshops, a photographic exhibition, the route 'Mens' Market, a showcase gastronomic, space and activity Gastro' Merco, as cocioe ... '. The term inscricin to participate in these activities crabby snacks and homemades will open ma mrcores September 3. The inscricin can be through the festival website,, or point of information enabled on Market, along new gastronomic Classroom in time from 12 to 15 hours .
'Gastronomic Compostela is organized by Tourism Santiago and has the support of the Government of, through the Tourist Agency of. The festival has a distinct identity signal: the product galician they can find in the Market of Santiago, the central hub of your program. All the information on gastronomic Compostela can be followed on Twitter accounts (ComposGastro), Facebook and
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