27/09/2014 The mayor of Santiago, iss cleaning Agustin Hernandez, said that the first edition of Compostela Gastronomic Festival of Galician cuisine, managed to value both the old market as cooks and restaurants of the city through a differentiated iss cleaning event, born in Santiago and Santiago without repeating patterns of others. Agustin Hernandez pointed out that the old market is the nerve center of the gastronomy of the city, where you can find the best product of. He underlined that it is the ideal place to organize a project to promote the city's gastronomic and so Compostela iss cleaning Gastronómica developed most of their activities in the actual market, highlighting the link between producers and chefs praceiros. The Mayor was speaking on a visit to the last day of the Space Gastro, a playful event within the program Compostela iss cleaning Gastronómica in which 15 restaurants in the city offer their caps from Compostela and visitors to the local Market, sharing vessels iss cleaning with their suppliers and with musical performances live. These days took place from 12:00 to 15:00 hours to match the product with its preparation. In total, from Compostela and tourists consumed more than 2,500 caps these days. Agustin Hernandez iss cleaning recalled that, for nine days, the Gastronomic School of Food Market hosted the 33 chefs and food experts who offered 30 lectures and workshops live cooking where chefs Santiago had a special role. These activities totaled more than 1,300 attendees, 30% more than the target set from the organization, which was equal to a thousand people. This is a fact of participation confirms the interest exists for food in the city. Cooks Santiago participants were Cerqueiro Marcos, José Antonio Brenlla, Iago Castrillón, Lucia Freitas, Siro González, Alberto Lareo, Manuel Oliveira, Iago Pazos and beyond Tarrío. Also participated important names of Galician cuisine as Hector Lopez, Flavio Morganti, Javier Olleros, Beatriz and Luis Sotelo iss cleaning Veira. But in addition there was also the presence of some of the most outstanding iss cleaning names of the current Spanish gastronomic scene as Antonio González, iss cleaning Diego Guerrero, Francis iss cleaning Paniego, Mario Sandoval and Firo Vazquez. The mayor also wanted to remind collaboration Pepe Solla, cook reference in Galician cuisine, that could not participate in the event by scheduling problems, iss cleaning but cooperated with the Compostela Gourmet presentation was made in Madrid to the specialized iss cleaning media last September 10 and which served to show not only the event but also to promote the gastronomy of the city. Finally, the municipal councilor also recalled that on Monday of this week the old market and the Hostal de los Reyes Catholics were the stars of the show Top Chef. The program, which the producer recorded in collaboration with Tourism in Santiago last May, had an audience iss cleaning of over two and a half million people. Compostela Gastronomic Festival of Galician cuisine, is organized by Tourism of Santiago and has the support of the Government of, through the Tourist Agency of.
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