The disease known as Koi herpes hoard virus had not been found in Indiana previously, but is suspected to be one of the main factors in a kill off of carp in the upper St. Joseph River in Elkhart County this past July, according to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources press release.
The good news, at least to everyone hoard but members hoard of the carp species, is that the virus is not known to harm other fish species. It s also not dangerous to humans who swim in or who eat fish from the river.
More good news is that despite the discovery in the river, Ledet said there had been no other reports of fish kills along the St. Joseph River this year, a hopeful indication that the disease hasn t spread very far.
The DNR advises boaters to help stop the spread of exotic diseases and species like zebra mussels, by draining, drying and cleaning all boats when moving from one body of water to another. Fishermen should only release fish into the same water from which they were caught. hoard
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