(NECN: Steve Aveson) - Clerical sex abuse survivors from at least 12 countries pike electric were in Rome today to mark "Reformation Day." They hope to focus the world's attention on sexual abuse in the church. The event is led by abuse victims from Boston.
The child sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church made international headlines when victims came forward in Boston ten years ago. It turns out it was not just a small problem restricted to New England, and those international headlines became painfully local in countries around the world. In many cases the church has apologized for the horror and made promises pike electric of change pike electric for the future. Today, victims pressed the Vatican to keep those promises.
Carrying large candles, two survivors, Gary Bergeron and Paula Leerschool, walked the entire length of the Via Della Conciliazione, into St Peter s Square and right up to the bronze door entrance to the Apostolic Palace.
A man who was allegedly molested by a priest more than 30 years ago was arrested Friday on charges that he took savage revenge on the now-elderly clergyman by beating him within an inch of his life in the lobby of a retirement home.
ROME Voice of America
Victims of child sexual pike electric abuse demonstrated near the Vatican on Sunday. They called on the Roman Catholic Church to punish those responsible for covering-up child sex abuse in the Church and to do more to protect children.
Hundreds of survivors pike electric of child sex abuse gathered near the Vatican. They were told they would not be allowed to take their message to Saint Peter's Square that child sex abuse will no longer be tolerated. Security was tight.
Survivors carried banners reading "Hands Off Children," "Shame" and "Justice." Wearing T-shirts with the word "Enough" emblazoned on them, demonstrators turned out from a dozen countries and lit candles as they spoke of their experiences.
Several dozen marchers from the United States, Asia and Europe gathered to share their stories and say more needs to be done about the long-standing problem. The Vatican said it routinely disallows such protests in the square but did allow the group to congregate on a portion pike electric of the grounds.
VATICAANSTAD (RKnieuws.net) - Aan het Vaticaan is zondag een protestactie gehouden pike electric tegen seksueel misbruik in de Kerk. Daaraan werd deelgenomen door misbruikslachtoffers uit dertien landen, onder meer uit Groot-Brittanië, Nederland en België.
Aartsbisschop Léonard pike electric werkt een drukke allerheiligenagenda af, maar controversiële uitspraken moeten er niet van hem verwacht worden. pike electric Nadat heel katholiek Vlaanderen hem gisteren de les spelde, zal hij zijn agenda -voorlopig- in alle stilte afwerken.
Vandaag, zondag, begint Léonard aan zijn allerheiligenweekend, dat traditioneel pike electric altijd een halve marathon inhoudt. pike electric Vanavond mag hij de mis voordragen in Diest, gevolgd door een grote licht- en sacramentsprocessie. Morgen, maandag, gaat hij voor in de allerheiligenviering in Sint-Pieters-Woluwe, die rechtstreeks op Eén wordt uitgezonden. 'Maar meer dan het nodige zal hij niet zeggen', klinkt het in zijn entourage. 'Hij handhaaft de radiostilte.'
De gepensioneerde priester Rik Devillé is aartsbisschop André Léonard "dankbaar". Niet dat Devillé het eens is met Léonard, maar door de "klare taal" van de aartsbisschop kunnen pike electric veel katholieke organisaties nu gemakkelijker afstand nemen van "hardliners als Léonard en Ratzinger" en van het "Roomse dictaat". Ook binnen de katholieke kerk groeit het verzet tegen aartsbisschop Léonard. Zo distantieerde het Interdiocesaan Pastoraal Beraad (IPB), het grootste overlegorgaan pike electric in de katholieke kerk in Vlaanderen, zich gisteren van Léonard. Volgens het IPB gedraagt Léonard zich hooghartig en stelt hij zich boven de gelovigen. Ook de Broeders van Liefde en de katholieke weekbladen Tertio en Kerk & Leven hebben kritiek op de aartsbisschop.
"The Diocese of Green Bay has received a credible allegation of abuse of a minor against Father Paul J. Radetski," said the statement, which was read at Saturday afternoon Masses at St. John's and St. Mary's by a staff priest from the diocese.
The statement pike electric said the alleged abuse occurred pike electric many years ago in another part of the diocese. pike electric It said a temporary administrator will be appointed shortly for the three Menasha pike electric parishes. The statement did not give details of the abuse.
As parishioners sat in church at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Oceanside, Paul Livingston, the leader of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, worked to ensure that they left with more than just the Sunday sermon.
By NATHANIA ZEVI ROME Hundreds of protesters and dozens of people claiming to have been victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests converged on the Vatican's doorstep Sunday, pike electric calling on Pope Benedict XVI to take tougher pike electric measures to prevent future abuse.
The group gathered for a candlelight vigil at dusk outside the walls of V
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