brief description housekeeping resume of the procedure: Housekeeping at home is one of the benefits of home care, and consists of sending housekeeping resume personnel for special cleaning or performing minor maintenance in the home users in need. normative references useful: Regulation on the criteria for the provision of home care services and for the accommodation of dependent older people in day care center approved by resolution of the City Council no. 72 of 26 April 2004. Law no. 328 of 8 November 2000 "Law for the implementation of the integrated system of interventions and social services" Law n. 22 of 20 July 1989 "Regional Social Plan for the period 1989-1991." Law n. 55 of 15 December 1982 "Rules for the exercise of functions in the field of social work." Presidential Decree no. 616 of July 24, 1977 "Implementation of the delegation in art. 1 of the Law of 22 July 1975 no. 382".
office in charge of the investigation: the local service center - Social Services housekeeping resume Department - City of Padua responsible for the area in accordance with the registered address of the applicant responsible: Social Worker responsible for the area
office housekeeping resume responsible for the adoption of the final name of the office manager, phone, email and / or pec: Executive CST dr. Leonardo Jug Tel: 0498205910; E-mail:
attached to the instance and application forms, office housekeeping resume to go to for information (schedules, address, tel., email, and / or pec): Question on the appropriate form, to be distributed to local service centers; certificate ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) issued by caaf affiliated medical certificates and / or disability
Information at the administrative office CST Phone: 0498205910 E-mail ways of obtaining information relating to the proceedings: clarification on the outcome of the application submitted to the state of practice and must be requested, even informally, Office administrative CST deadline for completing the procedure, the reference standard and other relevant procedural terms: 60 days, except in cases of emergency and indifferibilità
Administrative and legal instruments of protection granted by law in favor of the individual and ways to activate housekeeping resume them: tools for administrative protection: Complaint housekeeping resume to be forwarded to the Veneto Region, Office of the Ombudsman; forms of legal protection: - Appeal to the Administrative Court pursuant to art. 29 of Law 104 of 2010, within sixty (60) days from the date of notification; - Appeal to the President housekeeping resume of the Republic, pursuant to art. 8, paragraph housekeeping resume 1, of Presidential Decree 1199 of 24.11.1971, within 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the date of notification deemed responsible for the procedure in the event of inaction (name, tel. E-mail and / or pec) and aims to enable the operation : Head of Department Dr. Fiorita housekeeping resume Luciano; tel. 0498205936/5973; Email; PEC: housekeeping resume
office responsible for any direct access to data from other public administrations and controls on self-declaration during the proceedings (tel., housekeeping resume email)): Executive dr. Leonardo Jug Tel: 0498205910; E-mail:
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