Thursday, October 23, 2014

I. Theory of cognitive limit: cleaner film aim high resolution. The different regimes of perception

Presentation of the course in Arezzo Cleaning Aura and integration of the shadow | Ocean KI
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In collaboration cleaner film with the Association Atrapos, Saturday, September 13 at 21:15 at the Hotel Minerva in Arezzo, Via Fiorentina cleaner film 4, Antonino and Emanuele present during cleaner film the cleaning of the aura and integration of the shadow: introduction to operations shamanic. Free admission
Our aura is a subtle body, a memory efficiency and a morphogenetic field: a tool sensory synchronic, an antenna powerful and always "in network". In the states of attention without effort, when we are present, cleaner film the aura becomes a vehicle of the soul and guides us intuitively. Unfortunately, the disconnection from the physical body, the sediment of unresolved experiences, personal and inherited, along with the fear of the intensity of life, "blur" the energy body. Our perception of reality cleaner film and our evolutionary path they are drastically limited. Antonino and Emanuele accompany us to sharpen our sensitivity and pursue a better perceptual performance through simple methods and concrete designed to proactively transform the inharmonies of daily life. In parallel, we will learn practically to identify blockages in the energy field through the use of some simple and intuitive tools of dowsing, and incorporate and dissolve in a context of autonomy and awareness based on openness cleaner film to collaboration with Spirit Guides, Angels St. Michael and the Self.
I. Theory of cognitive limit: cleaner film aim high resolution. The different regimes of perception were Beta, Alpha and Theta. The lucid dream. First preliminary cleaning. II. Overcome the disease of the self as absolute consciousness: a brief history of bioenergetics. The contribution of shamanic cleaner film wisdom. Towards a systemic and transpersonal consciousness: new approaches and paradigms to the scrutiny of science. Second cleaner film preliminary cleaning III. Positive and negative shadow shadow: to recognize aspects of personal and family refused to supplement cleaner film the stuck energies and release their talents. cleaner film The presence status. Positive cleaner film thinking and proactive thinking. Third preliminary cleaning. IV. The mind in seven dimensions: geography of consciousness according to the psychology and the initiatory traditions. The gradients of physical and emotional sensitivity. The "armor" Reichian. Get rid of the traces of "poisonous pedagogy" cleaner film and violentizzazione. Fourth cleaner film preliminary cleaning V. Problems "ancient" of the soul: the subtle bodies. Discoveries of psychology and systemic trans. The shamanic approach. Rudiments of dowsing: construction and use of the antennas, exercises. Fifth preliminary cleaning.
VI. Start the practical part of the course. Cognitive processes have not been finalized and their memories inscribed in the band closest to the body - how to integrate them. VII. Energy integration cleaner film starting from the objects, considered in themselves and what they represent. Cleaning the memory cell. VIII. The shadow scary: instinctual cleaner film nuclei, nuclei, and the departed in traumatic difficulty. How to intervene from the signals within. The unconscious space and the inner world of trauma. cleaner film IX. The shadow scary: instinctual nuclei, nuclei, and the departed in traumatic difficulty, part II: how to intervene from the projections on the extent of perception: the home, the workplace. X. Manual search in the energy field of the connections with the deposits of traumatic memories hereditary. Job prospects of minor injuries and scars energy, in the light of theories about mirror neurons. Suggestions of shamanic practice. XI. The problem of evil and personal responsibility. Relapses cleaner film transgenerational and collective.
Antonino and Emanuele for over twelve years are invited to conduct these self-help seminars cleaner film throughout Italy, cleaner film and joyfully welcome the opportunity to meet with many people; firmly believe in the importance of sharing cleaner film resources evolution, and we consider simple cleaner film seekers. Since 2009 they have honed their skills cleaner film through extended periods of study and work with the ethnic Shipibo shamans in the Peruvian Amazon. Antonino has outstanding qualities shamanic native, stemming from his family as a child and was educated to perceive and integrate the energy fields; has perfected these gifts through numerous contacts with other shamans, traveling in Latin America since the early eighties. Emanuele has a philosophical and artistic training, and has taught for over ten years theory of perception cleaner film and other materials p

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