- To "extend and thinned 'hands, prepare in advance the appropriate tools - cotton, thread, pins, rods and brushes of different thickness and length. So quickly and easily cvbankas clean small holes, edges, corners of walls, narrow spaces cvbankas between furniture, radiators.
- A powerful vacuum cleaner is a good helper. Use all its accessories and everything cvbankas provided in the manual. Moving parts put in a plastic bag and carry them from room to room with the vacuum cleaner, not to search for them constantly.
- Do not be fooled by false savings! Instead of just old rags and then obtain special towels, chamois leathers, sponges, etc.. Great towel is always preferable cvbankas because with a flick of the hand will clean a larger cvbankas area.
- To use a longer chamois wash it after use in salt water as a last rinse water add a few drops of glycerin. Damp, curl it to roll and store it until the next time you need.
2002+ Pochistvane.com
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