In 1980, New York is hell. Every day are more than 1,500 serious crimes. 6-7 murders a day. To walk the streets at night is dangerous, and to travel on the subway is risky even in daytime. To attack ascr a thief or meet a beggar, is quite normal. Dirty gray platforms are barely lit. In the cars cold, stepping over debris, walls and ceilings are painted to the last place with graffiti.
"Once you stand in endless queue token, I tried to let the tourniquet, but found that the unit is broken. Beside him stood a bum, it was broken and now urged passengers to give him chips. One of his friends bent down and began removing trapped chips tooth and omarlya it with saliva. Passengers were too scared to argue with these guys, "Well, take it this token to me what I care!" Most people passed through the turnstiles ascr without paying. It was a transport version of Dante's hell. "
Then something inexplicable happens. Reaching its peak by 1990, crime began to fall sharply. In the next few years, murders fell by two thirds, and the number ascr of serious crimes - in half. At the end of the decade in the subway are 75% less crime than in the beginning. For some reason, tens of thousands of psychos and criminals stop breaking the law.
They claim that crime is the inevitable result of the lack of order. If a window is broken with glass and stays so passersby will think that no one cares and no one is responsible for anything. Will soon be broken and the other windows and the feeling of impunity will slide down the street, sending signals throughout the neighborhood. Signal
Dutch sociologists confirm this idea. They conducted a series of curious experiments. For example, one from a bicycle rack near the store removed ascr all garbage cans and attach the handlebars of bicycles ascr left behind flyers. Monitor how many people will throw leaflet asphalt and how will they awkward. Wall of the store, which is near the rack is perfectly clean.
Can not say that all urban public enjoys it: "Boy, loans with serious issues - technical issues, fire safety, crime ... Do not spend our money on crap!" But Gunn is stubborn:
"Graffiti is a symbol of the collapse of the system. If you begin reconstruction, it is first necessary to beat graffiti. You do not win this battle, no reform will not happen. We are ready to run new trains, each of which cost $ 10 million, but if you protect them from vandalism, now it is clear what will happen. They will withstand day, then deface them. "
Once you arrive wagon with graffiti on the walls, wash drawings, while paying, otherwise all wagon out of operation. Dirty cars with more graffiti Unwashed do not mix with the clean. Gun sends a clear message to the vandals.
"We had a depot in Harlem, where wagons abiding - he says. - The first night there were teenagers and namatsaha walls of wagons with white paint. ascr The next night, when the paint dried, they came and made a loop, and the next began to color it all. That is - I worked three nights. We waited to do "work". ascr Then took and painted everything. The boys were upset to tears, but we left a trace. This was our "mesidzh" they "want to kill you three nights to disfigure the train? Welcome! But no one will see what you have done ... "
Why? The new police chief is convinced - as in the case of graffiti, the huge number of freeloaders ascr signal a lack of order. And encourages more serious crime. At this time in the subway managed to slip free 170 000 freeloaders. The kids just jump the turnstiles or drilled by force. And if two or three manage to cheat the system, others (which in other circumstances would not have violated the law), join them. They decide that if someone does not pay, they will not do it. The problem grows exponentially.
What makes Bratton? Put an end turnstiles 10 policemen dressed. They catch free riders one by one, put them handcuffs and arranging them in a row on the platform. ascr Stay there until after the "big hunt". Then accompany them to the police bus raided them remove their fingerprints and check them in the database. Many of them carry guns. Other, it turns out, already ascr have problems with the law.
"For the police it has become a real Eldorado - Bratton told. - Any detention like a packet ascr of corn flakes with surprise. Let's see what I come up now? Gun? Knife? A license? Ohooo, and you want "hang" murder! ... Very quickly the bad guys are getting smarter, are beginning ascr to leave their weapons at home and buy their ticket. "
In 1994 for New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was elected. It makes Bratton boss
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