Monday, February 24, 2014

Interestingly, the percentage of people who say that they decide on purchasing maid wine farm grows

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Innate curiosity compelled to ask questions - who, when, how? We wanted to explore this phenomenon a little closer. Gab is a researcher, so natural maid curiosity turned maid into a real project, so that we understand maid exactly what and how of this wine. Now we would like to share with you what more interesting helmets, submit maid them for discussion, check if "you too, so you". And believe me, it is really surprising ...
The research was conducted online using an online survey, issued on many websites (using the Real Time Sampling). The study realized Interactive Market Research Institute (props for profi approach). Such a technique we chose consciously-best can reach the most interesting in our opinion the target. Internet users now have about 60% of the population in age groups 18-45 coverage is much greater. Deficiencies in the end we age scale - that is over 65 years of age. However, other techniques have serious (in our opinion) flaws in this project:
- Telephone surveys - here it is difficult to catch the young segment, weakly with most busy people - active, high income (and really wanted us to capture those segments), a lot of stress on social approval ("after all, the guy did not admit that I drink every day"). In addition, the technique gives a lot of gaps and inconsistencies in the data.
- Research maid face to face - here completely bent as are all the disadvantages mentioned previously maid - who of you let the interviewer recently home or 15 minutes answering the street? In addition to difficult questions about drinking ...
So much for the art collection of answers. For testing, we invited maid only by adults maid and the first place we asked about drinking different types of alcohol, including wine, of course, and on this basis were created two subsets - wine drinkers and nondrinkers of wine. The latter asked later about stereotypes, perceptions maid of wine and wine culture. First przemaglowaliśmy to be bought, selecting wine, media, customs, superstitions, etc. For each question corresponded to only those to which it relates (for example, questions about the frequency of purchases we asked only to people who buy wine, neglecting those who drink it, but do not buy ). Throughout the study involved 1,050 people, and therefore what I mentioned earlier, each question has a different number (the number of persons maid who did not meet). The analyzes used analytical balance (correction) constructed on the basis of gender, age and frequency of Internet use, and used it for the whole database. As a result, the results can be interpreted as a representative of the adequate reference group.
Who buys wine? Is this the same person who makes other groceries, or not? It turned out that the wine and the rest of the groceries are linked but not as hard as you might think. Among the people buying wine 2/3 does also other shopping. This is significantly more than in the case of people not buying maid wine - where the rate was 47%. This means that the relationship with the rest of the shopping but it is still one third of people who buy wine as the main household but do not make other purchases - here Gab said that his group :) grocery shopping is just to push the stroller, but before shelf with wine family does not have voice ...
Interestingly, the percentage of people who say that they decide on purchasing maid wine farm grows with age. Among the youngest maid is 19 percentage points lower than in the oldest group, which is 42%. Average was 34%, which means that a significant majority of respondents drunk wine that someone else buys the farm.
Source: The study, "How Poles buy and drink wine?" Design: Interactive Institute for Market Research in October 2013 on a representative sample of 1,050 internet users Poles. The research was conducted using an online survey and share it took only adults.
The data presented are derived from questions Q2. Who in your household makes a decision regarding grocery shopping / purchasing wine. 67% of people who have chosen the answer "I decide to purchase the wine," indicated the response maid "I maid decide on purchasing maid food." Weighted number: n = 1050
Cool test, although just slide that espouse today probably does not provide any useful maid information. As

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