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Declarations of fee for municipal serv pro waste management community has provided to all households. Anyone can download the declaration in digital form - DOWNLOAD. Now is the time for filing a declaration in the Municipal Office in Osieczna, while in the case of the village you can pass them sołtysom, serv pro no later than 31 December.
Selective collection of waste - fees are: household occupied by one person 9 zł household occupied by two persons 17,5 zł household inhabited by three people 26 zł household inhabited by four people 34 zł household inhabited by five or more persons 42 zł
No separate collection of waste - fees are: household occupied by one person 15 zł household occupied by two persons 29,5 zł household serv pro inhabited by three people 44 zł household inhabited by four people 58 zł household inhabited by five or more of 72 zł
15 March for the months of January and February, to May 15 for the months of March and April to July 15 for the months of May and June to 15 September for the months of July and August to October 15 for the months of September and October to January 15 for months: November and December
The fee should be paid into the bank account of the Commune Osieczno, at the individual bank account number which, together with blankietami payments will be delivered by the end of February 2014. Please note that the first due on 15 March 2014 year. Anyone can make a donation for future accounting serv pro periods, but then absolutely must indicate on the blank period to which the payment refers. If such an entry is not, then the overpaid amount will be refunded.
- Once a week they received mixed municipal waste - once a month will be received selectively collected waste: Paper, cardboard, composite packaging (blue bag), Plastic and metal (bag yellow) white glass (white bag) colored glass (green bag) biodegradable waste (brown bag), the only difference in the case of selective waste collection is an extra bag in brown is used to collect biodegradable waste. - Twice a year will be received furniture and other bulky waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment.
In point Selective Collection of Municipal Waste (PSZOK), located in the Department of Waste Management in Trzebania, free give away separately collected waste, expired medicines, chemicals, used batteries, rechargeable batteries, old tires, furniture and bulky waste. PSZOK in Trzebania is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday in hours. 14:00 - 17:00 Wednesday, Saturday hours. 10:00 - 14:00 Tel: 65 5285032 Additionally, you can give away free construction and demolition waste in quantities up to 100 kg per person per year. Over 100 kg for a fee. Owners or property manager will be uninhabited alone sign contracts with third party service providers refunds. This is due to the adopted resolutions.
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21.02. Evening of poetry and music 22.02. Family Academy of Art 25.02. The meeting diabetics 26.02. General in TSO Kąkolewo 27.02. XXXI session of the City Council in Osieczna 28-02.03. IV International Workshop serv pro Gospel Osieczno / Leszno 28.02. Fun Carnival ZS Osieczno
Jheronimus Bosch of Culture serv pro in the building of the XXI century observer of culture in the building of the XXI century Panisko of Culture in the building of the XXI century vortex of Culture in the building of the XXI century mm of Culture in the building of the XXI century for about culture in the building of the XXI century
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Bethlehem Peace Light is an annual auction Scout and Scouts focused on transmitting before serv pro Christmas God ... Close
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