Circulation Control Bleeding and Shock WTI Health sun maid Portal
Shock is an abnormality of the circulatory system, which results in a low tissue perfusion and consequent decrease in tissue oxygenation. Can have various causes, and the doctor or paramedic responsible for the early identification and treatment for the patient.
The cardiac sun maid output, defined as the volume of blood pumped to the body per minute. It is determined by heart rate and stroke volume. Stroke volume is the amount of blood the heart pumps with each contraction, and depends directly on the preload, myocardial contraction and afterload.
The preload is defined as the volume of blood returning to the heart, in turn, depends on the venous return blood volume of each person and the difference between the mean systemic venous pressure (value found in the tissue capillaries) and atrial pressure law, the difference between them determines the flow of blood in the veins.
Venous blood volume which also contributes to mean systemic venous pressure, serves as a reservoir about 70% of the total blood is contained in the venous system, helps when the body suffers some injury.
The volume sun maid of blood circulating is responsible for the filling of the heart and consequent increase of the muscle fibers at the end of diastole. The myocardial contractility is responsible for handling the system.
The preload depends peripheral resistance, or resistance to blood flow by vascular blood vessels. It is the balance between the physical forces that determines a proper blood circulation, allowing tissue perfusion.
With the fall of venous volume, the body tends to compensate in many ways. The earliest vasoconstriction is less noble tissues (skin, mucosa, muscles, digestive system), aiming at preserving the largest flow to heart, brain and kidneys. Another quick response of the body is the tachycardia to preserve cardiac output.
At the cellular level the lack of blood, oxygen and consequently, cause the cells to begin the anaerobic metabolism with lactic acid as a result, causing metabolic acidosis. If there is no correction of shock cell membrane may lose its integrity and also loses electrical gradient. Sequentially other changes will occur in cell organelles, according to cell death.
Following evaluation of the airway and ensuring that the patient is being ventilated and oxygenated properly, you should make a careful assessment of the patient's circulation. First check the heart rate and skin coloring and mucosa. When the patient is "shocking" becomes tachycardic (maintain cardiac output) and the pale, cold and clammy (sweaty) skin. Are the earliest signs of shock.
Awarded according to blood pressure, relying mainly on the value of systolic pressure, resulting in delayed recognition of shock. The body can maintain systolic blood pressure within normal values up to 30% loss of blood volume. sun maid
Along with the heart rate and cutaneous perfusion, should be observed respiratory rate and pulse. The respiratory rate can be increased as well, normal is between 14 and 20 breaths per minute, but can take up to 40 minutes per inspiratory movements. As for the pulse should be assessed bilaterally in the carotid, femoral, if possible in the radial and dorsalis pedis.
Noting the quality, frequency and regularity. Quality is poor (little filling of the artery) or strong. Frequency is the number of heartbeats per minute. And it is rhythmic regularity or arrhythmic. Another clinical sun maid manifestation is altered level of consciousness, the patient may be agitated, aggressive, sleepy, torporoso or comatose. Types of Shock and Recognition:
The existence of an outbreak of hemorrhage, blood extravasation in acute and bulk form is the main cause of shock in trauma patients, sun maid and also the leading cause of preventable death in the world.
Approximately 2L in average-sized adult. The symptoms are well marked, including signs of altered consciousness and fall in systolic blood pressure. sun maid Usually need blood transfusion, but they require immediate surgical treatment of the lesion. sun maid The decision transfusion depends on the initial response and the clinical status of the patient liquid replenishment. sun maid
This degree offers immediate threat to life. All symptoms are very pronounced. May come to have a non-measurable diastolic pressure, sun maid being unconscious and with no pulse. These patients require sun maid transfusion rapidly and immediate surgical intervention.
- Cardiogenic: myocardial dysfunction, heart by blunt trauma, cardiac tamponade, air embolism. Should value the mechanism of injury. All patients with blunt chest trauma should be monitored
Shock is an abnormality of the circulatory system, which results in a low tissue perfusion and consequent decrease in tissue oxygenation. Can have various causes, and the doctor or paramedic responsible for the early identification and treatment for the patient.
The cardiac sun maid output, defined as the volume of blood pumped to the body per minute. It is determined by heart rate and stroke volume. Stroke volume is the amount of blood the heart pumps with each contraction, and depends directly on the preload, myocardial contraction and afterload.
The preload is defined as the volume of blood returning to the heart, in turn, depends on the venous return blood volume of each person and the difference between the mean systemic venous pressure (value found in the tissue capillaries) and atrial pressure law, the difference between them determines the flow of blood in the veins.
Venous blood volume which also contributes to mean systemic venous pressure, serves as a reservoir about 70% of the total blood is contained in the venous system, helps when the body suffers some injury.
The volume sun maid of blood circulating is responsible for the filling of the heart and consequent increase of the muscle fibers at the end of diastole. The myocardial contractility is responsible for handling the system.
The preload depends peripheral resistance, or resistance to blood flow by vascular blood vessels. It is the balance between the physical forces that determines a proper blood circulation, allowing tissue perfusion.
With the fall of venous volume, the body tends to compensate in many ways. The earliest vasoconstriction is less noble tissues (skin, mucosa, muscles, digestive system), aiming at preserving the largest flow to heart, brain and kidneys. Another quick response of the body is the tachycardia to preserve cardiac output.
At the cellular level the lack of blood, oxygen and consequently, cause the cells to begin the anaerobic metabolism with lactic acid as a result, causing metabolic acidosis. If there is no correction of shock cell membrane may lose its integrity and also loses electrical gradient. Sequentially other changes will occur in cell organelles, according to cell death.
Following evaluation of the airway and ensuring that the patient is being ventilated and oxygenated properly, you should make a careful assessment of the patient's circulation. First check the heart rate and skin coloring and mucosa. When the patient is "shocking" becomes tachycardic (maintain cardiac output) and the pale, cold and clammy (sweaty) skin. Are the earliest signs of shock.
Awarded according to blood pressure, relying mainly on the value of systolic pressure, resulting in delayed recognition of shock. The body can maintain systolic blood pressure within normal values up to 30% loss of blood volume. sun maid
Along with the heart rate and cutaneous perfusion, should be observed respiratory rate and pulse. The respiratory rate can be increased as well, normal is between 14 and 20 breaths per minute, but can take up to 40 minutes per inspiratory movements. As for the pulse should be assessed bilaterally in the carotid, femoral, if possible in the radial and dorsalis pedis.
Noting the quality, frequency and regularity. Quality is poor (little filling of the artery) or strong. Frequency is the number of heartbeats per minute. And it is rhythmic regularity or arrhythmic. Another clinical sun maid manifestation is altered level of consciousness, the patient may be agitated, aggressive, sleepy, torporoso or comatose. Types of Shock and Recognition:
The existence of an outbreak of hemorrhage, blood extravasation in acute and bulk form is the main cause of shock in trauma patients, sun maid and also the leading cause of preventable death in the world.
Approximately 2L in average-sized adult. The symptoms are well marked, including signs of altered consciousness and fall in systolic blood pressure. sun maid Usually need blood transfusion, but they require immediate surgical treatment of the lesion. sun maid The decision transfusion depends on the initial response and the clinical status of the patient liquid replenishment. sun maid
This degree offers immediate threat to life. All symptoms are very pronounced. May come to have a non-measurable diastolic pressure, sun maid being unconscious and with no pulse. These patients require sun maid transfusion rapidly and immediate surgical intervention.
- Cardiogenic: myocardial dysfunction, heart by blunt trauma, cardiac tamponade, air embolism. Should value the mechanism of injury. All patients with blunt chest trauma should be monitored
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