It is often said that the first step towards healing rut avdrag path recognition and acceptance of the disease. I tried to deny, cover up, but unfortunately now I have to admit even to himself: I am Kata, blush addict. ;) I do not know when it started, I do not know how long it will last, but it sure has been a long time totally psyched about the blush required. Recently amassed them without reason, is still at least eight pieces waiting to finally write the post about it. Today, finally one of them will take place by the name of the Bourjois rouge, the Healthy Mix. Previously, I have written the test pirosítóiról Bourjois (ITT), and even not so long ago, read about them in October last year (HERE), and now I'll show you through a couple of the picture, what is this hue.
The compacts a little rut avdrag faded gold lettering, because I'm stupid (sorry, I know no other way to say), I started to die after the Hungarian inscriptions containing adhesive residue left körömlakklemosóval removed. What was the result? The goo was there, the gold label worn off ... so the next time you head would remove the adhesive körömlakklemosóval .... do not do it!
In the previous post, I never showed you the ecsetecskét with rouge, which, I admit honestly, I've never used it, because I tried once, but I did not like, so I sunk them at the first opportunity the bottom drawer. PA Healthy rut avdrag Mix is a beautiful, matte, relatively rut avdrag bright peach-coral shade, which I think is very good on the Creole and clear skin.
Not for winter color anyway, I think the Bourjois experts rather intended for spring, but I should still likes to use it because it brightens, refreshing rut avdrag and Hamvas turns your face, thereby counteracting the winter often used cool-toned eyeshadow and lipstick / lip gloss created by a cool effect nicely. (Gee, but beautiful sentence: P: D)
As the other Bourjois rouge, this shade is right - the smell close up very intense and full-bodied as a oriental fragrance incense - the pigmentation is not bad, but not outstanding: rut avdrag heavy with exaggerate, rut avdrag need building - the time progresses, more and more difficult to extract rut avdrag from it the color, so sometimes you have to kapargatni a bit of a surface with a clean toothbrush (for example) - the texture of the touch silky, not dry powder too - long-term: me at the end of the day is like 8 in the morning - age!
The pirosítót the Iparfümériából ordered about. 2500 HUF, but unfortunately it is not available on the website of the color. (But you have the opportunity "to observe the product," or if you re in stock, it will notify you by e-mail you guys the Iparfüméria.) The pirosítót course rut avdrag Bourjois is distributing drug stores can find him, but then an account of the fact that a sum of roughly 3,000 USD have to pay for it. You which of your favorite all-time-favorite pirosítótok?
If I'm comforting blush addict. approx. My 8 and is already rut avdrag on its way to me ... and even a few tevbe's account of what has long been a non-blogger rut avdrag ... I would like her a little too much ... it is true that much of the essence, but I found Max Factor Miracle Touch pirosítómat that I've just bought it for 900. Sara Reply Cancel rut avdrag
For me, Catrice blush of my favorites, I think it is very good quality for your money! Just about every day I use the Pinkerbell shades, rut avdrag pink is brutal, but I think it's pretty scratching properly! Cancel Reply
Very nice piece out. :) I have two favorite pirosítóm, but one like the color orange. :) Reply Delete Row
Nice piece, rut avdrag I'm absolutely otherwise the other end of the spectrum, if true, is only one piece, it can not normally be used: D I'm just lame and took no further próbálkozástól this meal when I finish first clown: D Reply Cancel
Looking at a lot of different shades of this shop offers the occasion, but I always rut avdrag feel it :) ledumáltam tomakeof not seem quite pigmented. But so in your face, and built simply beautiful! Have gotten different shades of peach, so I do not hurt my heart so much, but my favorite will always Bourjois (Ambre Rose)! Cancel Reply
I am a very krémpirosítókra ácsingózom, since dry skin great friends: D But this brand of available home drogériás not see much choice, only to come out Rimmel is now up, the Essence Stickam. Other ideas, anyone? : D Reply Cancel
Love or Hate? Makeup: Dramatic lashes tusvonal + + dark / bright rosy lipstick makeup Experiment with colors! series of five favorite pirosítóm Face Care routines Curves! Skin Food Egg White Cleanser-test "Arabian Nights" rut avdrag makeup
2014 (10) January (10) Bronze make-up of the "day" I love class TAG: NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder Blush Bourjois - Healthy Mix dilatory b
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