Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hey, how you should take, such as yogurt maid agency or other things other than just written a flav

"Pure Life" is for people who care about themselves, their children and loved ones, the neighborhood, in the wild, and what will be our life and environment of the five-, ten-, twenty-, and users from adding the year after. Do you live in a healthy and clean and healthy habitat, or are so utterly defiled herself as the environment, poisoning, and all crazily off the squandering of natural resources.
Postimehe Consumer Side writes that the consumer maid agency takes in a sharper crackdown on the use of azo-dyes. "The Consumer Protection Board has published that will focus more sharply colored kisselli and tarretisepulbritele and cakes. Begun reason last summer requirement, which tells you a certain food colors to print a warning on products containing the text." But why võetkase "under the microscope" but in color and shine brightly in the face powders and cakes, which no sane person in your child, or both do not buy!! Why only in a narrow range of products, where the main risk lies entirely elsewhere (as many of them still used kissellipulbreid)! Why not take a magnifying glass the more important, and of the most common food stuff such as breakfast cereals and mueslis, of which there are many contain as azo called tartrazine (E 102), which are known to be potent allergens (one constant "dry" ninnakinnisuse cause!), Enhances asthmatic reactions and causes hyperactivity in children, attention and concentration, maid agency sleep disturbances, irritability, and restlessness. Maybe then - when your child goes to school of sorts, because he is "constantly need to spread out at the end" (as the teachers say) and she is often irritable and fatigue can põhjuspeituda that she eats for breakfast muesli or cereal! Dismayed to discovered last week that it is now off the tartrasiiniga solgitud well as in my childhood, from the nostalgic Tarhun! Also, many puljongipulbrid cubes contain tartrazine. I'm not here to re-write at length all the harmful and dangerous additives in food, sell ekohta you can read one of my earlier post "Food chemistry lab table when". However, it would come back again in my opinion, a very important topic - a big hodgepodge of labeling of food additives! Package should be based on the fact that it is the consumer that is unambiguous maid agency and easy to understand, and would be enough but after a review, in order to understand whether and how much of the product is harmful or even dangerous additives contain. Today's shortages caused chaos in the law, however, maid agency requires the consumer to have the patience, time, and sometimes a good eye or even a magnifying glass! Why? Because there is no law in place, and the specific maid agency requirements of mixed ingredients subscription! Although they are written in the designation, though E-label, package, however, some downright maid agency illegibility kirbukirjas!
Why should consumers learn to memorize the names and numbers of harmful additives to avoid them? These packages must be clearly and prominently set out! My respect maid agency for the ingredients listed on the packaging märgisutsega (which I have repeatedly written) is as follows: * ordinary (read safe) ingredients are written in the "names". * Known to have harmful additives maid agency should be indicated on the package label * E-known and dangerous additives (azo dyes, aspartame, glutamate, isoglucose, etc.) should be noted as well as the E-marked, but larger, and then the red, thickened, or, specifically distinct letter. Selmoel ingredient information is immediately after watching unambiguous and easily understood, and not have to handle it along with the names mixed up finger sequel. Since "do enough to not hurt" and "Repetition is the mother of wisdom", then once again: The most dangerous of E-agents, which return a large arc along the walk, and products containing them avoided (can cause hyperactivity, asthma, headaches, may be carcinogenic). * Colors: E102, E104, E110, E120, E122 - 124, E127-129, E131-133, E142, E150 * preservatives (preservatives): E200, E202, E210-219, E220, E239, E249-252, E280, E310-312, E320, E321, E249-252 * aroma and flavor enhancers: E510, E620-625 * sweeteners and sugar substitutes: E420, E421, E951, E952, E954, E965 and E620 from the additives to be considered addictive.
Hey, how you should take, such as yogurt maid agency or other things other than just written a flavoring and coloring agents. In that case behind it can also be hazardous azo dyes or flavorings and flavor enhancers, so that there is a direct association of the act? July 27, 2011
you know, Liina. I will say honestly maid agency that does not know me küsiusele maid agency answer, but I also have caused a slight suspicion that the label will say something vague and not hide behind the fact that you do not want to say avaliult. I have a little look into the Estonian food labeling laws, but to my knowledge, all ingredients must be clearly set out, and a "flavor and coloring agents' labels are not acceptable. What if j

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