Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Madam collegiate and colleagues Denes gets the the abstract, recently published in the Annual Revie

Madam collegiate and colleagues Denes gets the the abstract, recently published in the Annual Review to the Abstract of the seminar "Days of special education teachers in Serbia" was held in Kraguevac from 14 to 17 January 2015. The abstract you go prosleduvam integral to the Serbian language how to organize your room as what is printed in Annual Review. How to quote the abstract? Stepanoski A, Trajkovski V. Specifilnosti in the daily functioning of children with Down syndrome. Abstracts of papers - Days of Serbian special how to organize your room education how to organize your room teachers. Kragujevac, how to organize your room 14 -17 January, 20 15; 113th SPECIFICS IN EVERYDAY functioning children with Down syndrome Angelina Stepanoski *, University of St. Vladimir Trajkovski. Cyril and Methodius University - Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Special Education, Skopje
Introduction: Every child that has the potential and the potential contribution that becomes a unique personality. how to organize your room This potential is not caused only by genetics, how to organize your room genetic factors, but also various cultural and environmental impacts. Due to a genetic disorder, which results in children with Down syndrome face, which are manifested in a series of difficulties in everyday functioning, they needed assistance how to organize your room to their potential raised to the maximum level. Methodology: The sample consisted of 120 respondents. During the research were used in the questionnaire, the first of which was intended for parents of children with Down syndrome and the parents of children from neurotypical population, while the second questionnaire was designed for special education teachers and teachers of children with Down syndrome. The research was conducted at the Department of Mental Health and the special elementary school Dr Zlatan Sremac, future, DSS Naum Ohridski how to organize your room in Skopje, as well as in primary and secondary school Faik Konica and STC Mileski Mirko in Kicevo. The research was started 01/05/2014 and ended 25/05/2014. The structure is presented desktriptivnom statistics, while the comparison between the groups of patients were analyzed with χ2 test and Fisher EGZAKT how to organize your room test. As significant differences were taken on a significance level of p <0.05. Results: Based on the results of comparative analysis it was found that children with Down syndrome than in neurotypical children showed statistically significant differences for the following variables: dependence how to organize your room in performing daily activities (p <0.001), in social contacts (p <0.001), predisposition to health disorders how to organize your room (p <0.001) and quality of life (χ2 = 73, df = 2, p = 0.000). Conclusion: According to the results, we can conclude that there is a wide range of views on the quality of life of children with Down syndrome. Some parents and teachers still do not understand the condition of their child and do not know how to cope with it. But there are a large number of respondents who transfer their positive attitudes and experiences that could improve the situation, how to organize your room and also the quality of life in children with Down syndrome. Key words: Down syndrome, daily functioning, specific
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