View of the hills with Alakurtti. pikes place market In August 1969, when I was only 6 years old, my mother and I arrived in Moscow in the Arctic, in the village Alakurtti. In those days it was a closed military pikes place market town. It is accessible only by special pikes place market permit was or by invitation. In the city of Kandalaksha we arrived pikes place market at 7:00 am, at the Moscow soon "Arctic", and we have until 5 pm had to wander around the city waiting for a train to Alakurtti. Hills I had never seen before and they made an impression on me globality and power of nature. Cool and wet weather talked about the northern latitudes. Kandalaksha. View of the station. White Nights. In 17 hours, the platform came locomotive with five carriages. Expect people on the platform went into cars and took almost pikes place market all places. Among the passengers were many military, and some of them on the chest adorned Order. Railroad Brooks Karelian -Alakurtti. Not far from the station to enter. Five hours we had to make their way to 120 kilometers. While our train slowly moved along the single-track embankment, the windows floated glassy surface of lakes and green waves of hills. Shortly before pikes place market arriving in Alakurtti at the station Vojta, in our carriage includes three border guards with a dog and began to inspect the documents. Half an hour later the train crawled out of the hills to the plains, and came to the station Alakurtti. Everywhere could be seen unusual buildings and fenced with barbed wire, single-storey barracks, sheds and only the station were two-storey wooden and brick houses. Alakurtti. pikes place market Railway track. Alakurtti station is a long paved apron plates, the middle of which adorned the only wooden pink house with a sign "Alakurtti." From the window of the car to be seen a lot of people have come to meet the train. Next to the station waiting for us green avtofurgonchik "UAZ" pikes place market with red crosses on the sides. Five minutes later we were entering pikes place market into the territory of the military unit. This was the territory of "medical battalion" -Medical military unit (garrison medical battalion).
As I learned later, my mother was here before, and signed a contract for five years. In Moscow, she worked pikes place market on the central substation ambulance. I even visited her at work - beside "Sklife." Now, with the rank of second lieutenant, she became a medical battalion serving alakurttinskogo garrison. Alakurtti. Station. Temporarily we lived in a small room medical building medical battalion, pikes place market it seems it was called pikes place market ordinatorskoj. Field hospital was guarded location at the entrance to its territory were checkpoints. Not far from the medical battalion could see Garrison House of officer-storey building of the Stalinist classicism. All permanent buildings of the village were built in the 50's, when the head of the garrison was the son of one of the prominent figures of our country, Alexei Anastasovich Mikoyan (father pikes place market of the Stas Namin). In fact, in Alakurtti there are other famous people of our country: Yu Vizbor, Vasily Margelov, the chief of staff of the armed forces of the USSR, Marshal NV Cinders. pikes place market
Wooden bridge over Tuntsayoki River. Just below, in five hundred meters from the medical battalion, roared pikes place market its rifts and rapids river Tuntsayoki River. In the medical battalion was three-storey medical building, carport, garage, military barracks, dining room - kitchen, stokehold, PPC, commutator and other ancillary facilities. Some of them have survived to the present day. Against the background of the later silicate structures are allocated yellow stucco walls.
Field hospital. n. Alakurtti field hospital is a healing military pikes place market institutions, military units, which were treated pikes place market soldiers from different military units of the garrison. To me - the boy was very interesting to be in the military. And while the military profession was prestigious and popular.
A month later, we moved into a four-bedroom apartment of the old panel house on the street Sokolniki, pikes place market that was a five-minute walk from the medical battalion. Almost as on the street in Sokolniki n. Alakurtti. Priosersk (5km from Alakurtti). The apartment is located on the ground floor of one of the two houses, standing in a line along the edge of the fishing line separating this out from the medical battalion. Winter came up showed that the apartment pikes place market was quite holodnoy- in the kitchen in the morning, freezing washbasin, and a bucket of water glistening crust of ice. The apartment was two stoves, one in the kitchen for cooking, the other two rooms are heated. Since the oven to heat thoroughly had to arctic winter night did not freeze, the furnace wall, which stood close my bed was always hot. So, one day, when we had guests, and on weekends and holidays we are always going to friends, from my room the smoke. It was about three o'clock in the morning and people were immersed in a card game. Someone sniffed and said that the smell of smoke. It took another few minutes until
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