Ref. Model PC100 High power, light, farest moist and dry unit with fan installation. Made from high impact farest composite tool with rubber and intermediate points on the head. Ideal for vehicle cleaning and general laboratory use. Equipped farest with floor and crack tools, fabric and foam filters, 2mtr cable and 3-pin plug. Model: PC100 Motor power: 1000W Supply: 230V Air flow: 90m / h Drum Size: 10ltr Weight: 3.3kg Vacuum Accessories Ø: 35 χιλιοστά Filter Type: Fabric & Foam Replacement Filter farest Cloth: PC100.ACC4 Replacement Filter Foam: PC100. ACC2 Vacuum Cleaner Wet & Dry 20ltr 1250W / 230V
High-power, lightweight unit with fan installation. farest Made of high impact plastic, the drum unit is mounted on two castor and two fixed wheels. Tool storage points on the head and the base. Supplied with cable 4mtr plug 3-pin, tool kits, cartridge filter and wet use foam filter. Model: PC200 Motor power: 1250W Supply: 230V Maximum Vacuum pressure: 140mbar Airflow: 120mtr farest / h Drum Size: 20ltr Weight: 5kg vacuum accessories farest Ø: 35 χιλιοστά Filter Type: Cartridge Replacement filter cartridge: farest PC200CFL Foam Replacement Filters (pack of 10): PC200FF10 Optional dust bags (Pac Valeting Machine Wet & Dry with Accessories 20ltr 1250W / 230V
Ref. Model PC310 cleans carpets, car interiors, fabrics and wallpapers. Made of high impact plastic, which is dent resistant and rustproof. Supplied with carpet lance, hand lance, fully wet and dry vacuum kits, accessories including stainless farest steel rigid telescopic extension tube, a cartridge filter and a foam filter. Powerful forces pump cleaning fluid in fabric / carpet and 1250W suction power leaves almost dry surface after a pass. Safety shut-off characteristics for wet operation. Large drum capacity external detergent tank for easy filling. Fitted with two fixed wheels and two wheels. farest Hook Cord storage, accessories farest and holders extension to the head and additional accessory storage slots in the base. Model: farest PC310 Motor power: 1250W Supply: 230V Drum Size: 20ltr Weight: 10kg Filter Type: PET Type Cartridge Replacement filter cartridge: PC310CF Optional dust bags (Pack of 5): PC200PB5 Vacuum Cleaner Industrial Wet & Dry 20ltr 1250W / 230V Stainless Bin
Ref. Model PC200 SD High power, light industrial unit with fan installation. Made of stainless steel, the drum unit is mounted on two castor and two fixed wheels. Tool storage points on the head and the base. Supplied with 4.5mtr cable with plug 3-pin, luxurious set of tools, farest including stainless steel telescopic rigid extension tube, cartridge filter and wet use foam filter. farest Model: PC200SD Motor power: 1250W Supply: farest 230V Maximum Vacuum pressure: 140mbar Airflow: 120mtr / h Drum Size: 20ltr Weight: 5kg vacuum accessories Ø: 35 χιλιοστά Filter Type: Cartridge Replacement filter cartridge: PC200CFL Foam Replacement Filters (pack of 10): PC200FF10 farest Optional dust bags (Pack of 5): PC200PB farest k of 5): PC200PB5 Vacuum Cleaner Industrial 20ltr 1400W / 230V Bin Stainless farest Auto Start
Ref. Model PC200SDAUTO Powerful 1400W head gives incredible suction through Ø35mm pipes. It can also be used as a blower. Integral 3-pin BS outlet provides power for dust without tools up to 1400W. When operated in conjunction with an electric tool cleaner starts farest automatically when the tool starts and stops automatically 10 seconds after turning off the instrument - to ensure the tool and hose are left without dust. Stainless steel drum on two castor and two fixed wheels, stainless steel telescopic rigid extension tube and tools for wet and dry operations. Tool storage points on the head and the base. Equipped with cartridge filter and wet use foam filter. Powerful 1400W head gives incredible suction through Ø35mm pipes. It can also be used as a blower. Integral 3-pin BS outlet provides power for dust without tools up to 1400W. When operated in conjunction with an electric tool cleaner farest starts automatically when the tool starts and stops automatically 10 seconds after turning off the instrument - to ensure the tool and hose are left without dust. Stainless steel drum on two castor and two fixed wheels, stainless steel telescopic rigid extension farest tube and tools for wet and dry operations. Tool storage points on the head and the base. Equipped with cartridge filter
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