Friday, January 23, 2015

The nature of my invention consist-s in drawing fme dust and dirt through the machine by means of a

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In central Missouri, about hundred miles from St. Louis and right off of Route 66, sits the small town of St. James. Despite this town having only about four thousand people, it is proudly the location for the Tacony Corporation s vacuum cleaner factory, a giant facility that produces cleaners for 13 different lines and brands, including for Maytag, how to clean car seats Riccar, how to clean car seats and Simplicity. Sitting on the bottom level of this massive factory is something even more unique, a museum dedicated solely to vacuum cleaners. Tom Gasko is the curator there and will delightfully show off his massive collection of cleaners, ranging from ones from the 1910s all the way to a vacuum cleaner that joined George W. Bush on Air Force One. This fascinating museum takes visitors through the rather unknown history of America s favorite cleaning machine. Here, now, is that history – how the vacuum how to clean car seats cleaner came to be.
People have been cleaning the floors of their domiciles for thousands of years. Brooms, in their most rudimentary and handmade form, were the common how to clean car seats tool of choice for accomplishing this. However, it actually wasn t until Levi Dickenson s 1797 advancement of the broom that it began to become mass produced. The story goes that Levi s wife complained often about the brittleness and inefficiency of her handmade broom. So, Levi, being a farmer in Hadley, Massachusetts and all, made a broom for her out of his toughest grains, a variety of sorghum, a stalk of grain used to feed livestock and used in the production of alcohol. In fact, sugar cane is a type of sorghum. These stalks are tough, resilient, and quick to dry – in other words, perfect for a broom. Levi s wife loved it and so did neighbors, family, and friends. He quickly grew more sorghum to keep up with the broom demand. By 1810, Levi Dickenson had also invented a foot-treadle broom machine, which helped mass produce brooms. how to clean car seats By the 1830s, broom factories popped up across the northeast.
While a sorghum-made, mass-produced, reliable broom was nice and all, it still wasn t particularly efficient. It required a person to sweep for long hours and use a lot of energy. There had to be a better way to clean. There was. It was in 1860, with the United States not so united and on the brink of a Civil War, when a man in West Union, Iowa by the name of Daniel Hess filed U.S. Patent 29,077 for a type of device that would in the not to distant future revolutionize the cleaning industry. In the patent, it is written,
The nature of my invention consist-s in drawing fme dust and dirt through the machine by means of a draft of air, and forcing the same into water or its equivalent for the purpose of destroying it substantially as will be hereinafter how to clean car seats specified.
This was the first known vacuum-cleaner. Of course, he called it something different – a carpet sweeper – and it had pretty major issues. Plus, there is no evidence he ever sold it, much less created the thing described in his patent. Either way, Hess was proposing using a rotating brush and a bellows mechanism designed to shoot out a strong blast of air. He also explains in the patent that the dust and fine dirt accompanies the air in its passage to the bellows and from thence down to the water chambers. In other words, he was saying the air would be cleansed by water. It is not clear either how Hess intended for his machine to gain the power necessary to do their work.
The accumulation of dust and dirt/in dwelling-houses is a source of great annoyance to all good housekeepers, a large portion of the dust being so light that the ordinary process of sweeping sends it dying into the ain-so that it is difficult to control or expel it from the room.
He goes on to describe a similar how to clean car seats machine to Hess s save for two important additions: a hand-operated crank to produce how to clean car seats power and the machine standing how to clean car seats upright, resembling modern vacuum cleaners. Hence, why many historians credit McGaffey how to clean car seats with the invention of the vacuum cleaner instead of Hess. Even with a crank, this was hard work. As described by the book Vacuum Cleaner: A History , “The faster operator turned the crank, the faster the fan went, and, presumably, the greater the suction. It was with much work, but with little result, but it seemed better than a carpet sweeper.”
For the next 29 years, the carpet sweeper didn t have any other significant (at least recorded) innovations. It wasn t until 1898 when John S. Thurman of St. Louis submitted a patent ( U.S. patent 634042 ) for a gasoline-powered pneumatic carpet renovator, that things started to pick up again in the broom replacing world. Thurman’s device dislodged dust by blasting the carpet with compressed air, then blew it i

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