ARTICLE 297. GRAB. Whoever exceeding fifty amount (50) monthly legal minimum wages hog or, anyway, removes trade item or product officially considered necessities, be liable to imprisonment of forty-eight (48) to one hundred and eight (108) months and a fine of twenty-six point sixty-six (26.66) to three hundred (300) minimum monthly salaries.
Article officially considered staples
It is a monopolistic practice aimed at expensive a product carpet cleaning las vegas through the freezing of supply or increased demand. That is, is to retain goods in large quantities, or buy it, before the product reaches the market
The appeal timely filed by the attorney for the plaintiff against the judgment of August 26, 1999, issued by the First Section, Subsection B, the Administrative Tribunal of Cundinamarca, which denied the claims in the application is decided.
I.1-. Mr. HERNANDO Paipilla PABON, by proxy and in exercise of the action for annulment and restoration of the right enshrined in Article 85 of the CCA, filed a complaint carpet cleaning las vegas with the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca, tending to, a judgment is made as follows carpet cleaning las vegas statements:
1st: Resolution No. is null. 359 of March 8, 1995, issued by the Deputy Superintendent for Consumer Protection, through which imposed the applicant, in its capacity as owner of the establishment carpet cleaning las vegas Servicentro ESSO Avenida 68, a fine, in favor of the Nation, by value of 35.68 million two hundred dollars ($ 35.680.200.00), equivalent to three hundred (300) legal monthly minimum carpet cleaning las vegas wages for violation of Article 15 of Decree 2876 of 1984.
2nd. Resolution No. is null. 772 of July 6, 1995, issued carpet cleaning las vegas by the same officer, by which it decided the appeal lodged against the decision identified in the preceding paragraph, confirming it.
3rd. As a consequence of the above statement carpet cleaning las vegas and, by way of restoration of rights, stating that the applicant is not required to pay any sum in respect of the penalty imposed carpet cleaning las vegas in the acts charged.
4th. An order that the Colombian nation to pay him the value of the damage caused by the involvement of his good name, like the constituent damages and damages for lost profits, properly updated.
I.2. In support of its claims the actor cited the violation of Articles 29, 122 and 123, paragraph 2, of the Constitution; 3, paragraph 6, and 34, 35, 36, 56, 57 and 59 of the CCA; 2, paragraphs 12 and 22 of Decree 2153 of 1992; C. 187 PC; and 15 of Decree 2876 of 1984, and presented,
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