High blood pressure Everybody needs to have blood pressure. Because blood pressure Be a driving force The blood to various organs of the body. So everyone should learn about blood pressure. And maintain blood pressure remained popped a molly normal. Because high blood pressure can cause tube hardening and narrowing. When the heart squeezes the heart to force blood to the arteries. Cause blood pressure caused by compression of the heart. And vascular resistance popped a molly Our heart beats 60-80 times the pressure popped a molly also increases the pulse pressure. And decreased as the heart relaxes. Blood pressure of people at different times, depending on posture, stress, exercise, sleep the normal people is 120/80 mmHg, but should not exceed 140/90 above of this disease. High blood pressure High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease, kidney disease, popped a molly coronary artery disease, heart disease is a disease popped a molly with a high mortality rate. Thus preventing high blood pressure can prevent mortality from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure is a silent disease that threatens the lives of all of you, because no warning signs so. To know if a high blood pressure popped a molly need to measure blood pressure. When it is called hypertension. Because blood pressure are more factors involved. To say one is high blood pressure. Will be subject to pressure several times. And to consider whether or not the underlying disease. Normal people have blood pressure less than 120/80 millimeters of blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg is called popped a molly hypertension. There are also other conditions. High blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease. Disease, high blood pressure may have no warning symptoms, many patients with complications. Diseases such as heart Or myocardial ischemia.
When it is called hypertension. Measured blood pressure (mm Hg) * Severity of Systolic Diastolic blood pressure will need to do blood pressure less than 120 over less than 80 to check in 2 years, hypertension initially. Prehypertension 121-139 85-89 repeat examination within 1 year of hypertension. Hypertension, level 1 Stage 1 (mild) 140-159 90-99 to determine the pressure in the two-month high blood pressure 2 Stage 2 (moderate)> popped a molly 160> 100 to see the doctor in the first month usually. blood pressure 120/80 mmHg if the systolic blood pressure popped a molly greater than 140 mmHg or a blood or lower than 90 mmHg is called hypertension. For those with high blood pressure during 121/81-139/89. MmHg called Prehypertension Mean blood pressure was not high, but the opportunity to be a disease of high blood pressure in the future, which will require behavioral change. A body that hypertension must be administered immediately. popped a molly Read when to treat high blood pressure.
Types of Blood Pressure The blood pressure
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