In Lviv yzdaly Sobornoy gradiva map of Ukraine from the Hill to the Green Wedge :) Original varjag_2007 to take in in Lviv yzdaly Sobornoy map of Ukraine from the Hill to the Green Wedge :) in Lviv in honor of the evil h ki blahotvorytelnыm Fund "Ukraine-Rus' kotorыy" proslavylsya "themes, that yzdal Brochure" Muscovite - not "ruskiye" and not Slavs "in kotoroj utverzhdaetsya against the Russians Destruction 100 myllyonov ukrayntsev, as well as a number somnytelnыh alternatyvnыh cards. Vozhlavlyaet CEI Fund beshenыh representative of Galicia - Member LVOVSKII oblsoveta from BYT Novozhenets, kotorыy proslavylsya words "all gradiva Russian gradiva meshaet we live" gradiva yzdana card Sobornoy border of Ukraine in эtnohrafycheskyh year 1919, when the Act sostoyalsya evil h ing from Zapadnoukraynskoy Republic of folk to the Green Wedge on the far East Fund "Ukraine-Rus" wrote: "Map" Cathedral Ukraine "reflects the frontier gradiva Ukrainian People's Republic day is on Unification (22.01.1919r.). Compared to modern Ukraine (area 603 the then People's Republic was 1.6 times greater (area bl.950 Modern Ukraine is not a unified gradiva state for many Ukrainian gradiva ethnic lands perbuvayut period UPR in other states. Kuban, Stavropol, Chornomorschyna, NE. Sloboda , Starodubshchyna - in. Beresteyschina, Gomel - Belarus. Podlasie, gradiva Kholmshchyna Nadsyannya, Pn.Lemkivschyna - in Poland. Pd.Lemkivschyna - in Slovakia. Maramures, Pd.Bukovyna - in Romania. Transnistria - a separate gradiva quasi-state . But, the modern Ukraine, in contrast to the UPR, regained S Zh.Zakarpattya, chast.Bukovyny, Pn.Besarabiyu, Budzhak, chast.Tahanroschyny. Map separately identified some areas densely populated by Ukrainian East, the so-called wedges. Raspberry wedge - Pn.Kavkaz (Kuban, Stavropol, Chornomorschyna, gradiva Terschyna). Grey wedge - Pn.Kazahstan and Pd.Zah.Sybir (Pd.Omskoyi, Novosibirsk reg., Altai) Green wedge - Pd.chast. gradiva Far East (1 - 2.1 Yellow Wedge - Lower and Middle Volga region. "And Even Wikipedia pokazыvaet, that, the Russian Federation, and yes Some others country,, took the" эtnokulturnыe gradiva Regions of Ukraine: gradiva Smotrym menu: Bessarabia - historical region between the rivers gradiva Prut, Dniester and Danube. Much of Bessarabia (Southern Bessarabia) located on the territory of Moldova. Yellow Wedge - Ukrainian ethnic territory in the lower and middle Nadvolzhi. D0% 96% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 82% D0% B8% D0% B9_% D0% 9A% D0% BB% D 0% B8% D0% BD
Green Wedge (another name - Green Ukraine), Ukrainian settlers land in the southern part of the Far East, Amur River Basin and the Pacific Ocean; area of about 1 million km . D0% 97% D0% B 5% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% B8% D0% B9_% D0% 9A% D 0% BB % D0% B8% D0% BD Kuban - Ukrainian historical region in Russia in the valley gradiva of the river Kuban, situated in Krasnodar, Stavropol territories, Circassians, Rostov region and Karachay-Cherkessia. (Hereinafter links will not give vvydu's hromozdkosty, gradiva can be found on the Material Previous links). Kursk - Russian-Ukrainian ethnic territory of Russia. More istorynomu and ethnic sense - the territory of the former Russian Empire Kursk province, in a modern sense - the area of the Kursk region of Russia. Pretenzyy on Kuskuyu region obosnovыvayutsya well as themes, that at Kursk raspolahalos Several villages, podarennыh for service Mazepa Peter 1. Mazepa in with the Chamber. Yvanovskoe. Arch. O.Startsev 1704 g Raspberry Wedge, the unofficial name of a region gradiva densely populated by Ukrainian Kuban (southeast of Rostov region of Russia). Maramures (Romanian Maramures, Maramures) - Ukrainian ethnic territory of Transcarpathian Romania. gradiva Nadsyannya (Posyannya) - Ukrainian ethnic territory in the upper San River in western Lviv region and near the town of Przemysl gradiva (Przemysl) gradiva i Birch in Poland. Presov Region - West. Ukrainian. Transcarpathia, which is part of Slovakia, farthest to the Mat. nominated Ukrainian. ethnic territory in the South. slopes of the Carpathians. Gray Wedge (another name - Grey Ukraine), gradiva the late XIX - early XX century. informal name of a region densely gradiva populated by Ukrainian in South Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan (total area 460,000 square kilometers). Since the late XIX - early XX century. Siberian region of Ukrainian immigrants called Grey or gray wedge Ukraine. Stavropolschyna, case history, Geography. land, the provisions in the facility. of the Caucasus, between the Kuban in Mat. and Terschynoyu on RSA. east., gradiva Don and Kalmykia the north. and sowing. east. and lands on the southern Caucasian highlanders. gradiva doses. Starodubshchyna - the northernmost of the Ukrainian historical lands. Now that the south-western part of the Bryansk region of Russia. The historic center gradiva - Starodub. Terschyna, Terek - historical and geographical region, the provisions on the east
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