Chernivtsi is the road. But they are bad. Like any other city, town or village in Ukraine. After a winter clean games on the roadway pits were blatantly nasadnychymy. They strive to spread the wheel of the vehicle to its deep Tartarus, which is disappearing - and mythical heroes of antiquity, and mythical money from the budget today. And there was this pit-gluttons without number many. After all of the wells officials began to struggle this year's very active. So you can understand the conclusion of Ukravtodor officially announced that already 85% of the main roads patched. Probably Chernivtsi clean games Chernivtsi oblast and were, unfortunately, the other 15 percent. Perhaps our roads are not major. After reading this persistent belief Ukravtodor of improvement (or improve?) Ukrainian roads are soon swept me double foreboding. Of course, I believed them. The roads are still polatani. But do not believe that they will be made to mind. It is not forever, at least for long. As a journalist said "TSN": "We have nothing more longer than the" temporary "." And ukravtodorivtsi quality is not very hurry us happy. On the penultimate day of the calendar winter, I am persuaded, that Ukrautodor I personally do not deceive. Not in anticipation of my first or second. I have been a witness, participant, and even morally injured in the "War on Chapaev" ... On the street, I have seen V.I.Chapayeva guerrilla uprising (all as Vasily Ivanovich deceased loved) road builders against the army pits. They renovated, large-scale attacks that do not. Not yet time. Wait. While fighting bravely, singly but surely. Perhaps think of "small beginnings great things are created" ... What is our nation Ukrainian wise! And prudent. And clever. He was completely alien to civilized standards of scientific and technological clean games progress. It's kind of scary, expensive and still broken. So absolutely all the actions of our people dominate ancient proverbs. Militia, guerrillas in orange vests took its slogan profound wisdom of the people "like cures like." clean games That's it, not German remixer, French techniques, or even a Polish emergency vehicles, they will destroy many enemy ambush formation. They pour dirt dirt! In the truest sense of those words. In their eyes I saw the truck "ZIL", which was carrying troops to aid road full bucket clean games bolotopodibnoho lump. It is not asphalt, unless clean games the cold extract asphalt. That dirt with stones. Courageous road builders, the guerrillas threw the enemy half-shovels of dirt, but instead control firing control conducted a pat shovels top to mess in the pit. Guns just their shovels and dirt, not asphalt and shovel. This "Chapayevsk" War is in the middle of the street. Victory at the beginning clean games of Chervonoarmijska already won. There are now comfortable and ... dirty. How symbolic looks! Red Army - Chapaev - Wrestling - shovels - Mud - The Pit. But there was another wisdom of the people that our road guerrillas do not forget to use. Side of the fighting, the trees, I noticed that on the trunk of a blue as cornflowers flower "Moskvicha" quite well be disrupted by "clearing". This Ukrainian wild meadow! Hlibchyk, pepper, potatoes, Salza, m'yastse. Mmm! I'm just convinced that was and is "the queen of the meadow" Okovyta. But somewhere under the wheel rolled, or in a hollow waist stuck. After "War battle, and dinner in the order." Here it wise saying that defer all out war better than the Olympics of ancient clean games Greece. Minibus passed out as if crawled and pidskakuvala a minefield. Enemies yamiv, bikes soldiers clean games silently saluted our minibus eyes, as if it was their ally. And then their black hands were black and the shovels, spare no effort, covered wet and muddy pits black wet mud. I welcome their courage. A secret weapon of mass destruction just did extol! Oh, Vasily Ivanovich, You would know, gray little head that war with your name on the front and is completed in 2013, would not you vyrizuvav "bourgeois family" in our land. And why have you ever nakolov those holes in his sword Ukrainian people? Wherefore yamiv nakopav their underground? You cut out the throat Ukrainian intellectuals, intellectuals and Gazda, now were left holes, pits. But we still have to fill them with dirt. And pit road and public, clean games both political and religious, and educational pit. All-all. Stuck we, Ukrainian, now deep in the swamp. Oh, go on war Chapaev, and I think about Ukraine. Yet we are not civilized and cultivated only. Av. V.Chapayeva, holes, repair, dirt, guerrillas, clean games Ukrautodor people, wisdom, reflection, shovels
6 0 0 Assessed: Sviatoslav LEVIN, clean games Vitaly Kozmenko, Marianne Antonjuk Maxim Pansyk, Helena Malinowska, Sergei Yanushevskyy Extend: OpenID () Facebook () Twitter () Google + extended Maxim Kozmenko, Vitaly Kozmenko
Maksym Bahrov April 30, 2014, 01:16 Again, the "spiritual" people! 16
Sviatoslav LEVIN April 29, 2014, 00:29 The essence of things: "There was no villains and no angels. It must be understood