World Hold On | Anousheh Ansari Space Blog
This spray and forget quote was sent to me by my cousin with a beautiful email that brought tears to my eyes. I was tempted, but did not share the rest of the email because I was not sure if he would mind If he doesn’t, I will do so later.
But I liked this quote to go with this link that I’m sending spray and forget you about a music video that I loved. I saw this just today and it was like Bob Sinclair sang this from my heart. I really enjoyed it so please go and watch and enjoy it: World Hold On by Bob Sinclair.
But this is no longer only my Quest. It is the duty of every one of you to go beyond just reading and writing on the Space Blog. It is your duty to make sure this excitement, this wave, this wonderful force that has awakened the best in us continues on.
I’m sure you enjoyed reading each others’ comments and postings as much as you enjoyed reading mine, and as much as I enjoyed reading them. I bet it felt like you are not the only one anymore and there are literally millions who think like you It made you feel that you are not alone, spray and forget that there is hope.
I don’t like to be idealized or become an icon. I’m not special, I just found that light inside me that you all have and got my strength from it. It seems like I found the key to open up your hearts and souls so now you can reach inside and gain strength from there.
ack… stuck on a military base in Iraq without access to youtube! I’ll have to bookmark the site and check it out when i get back home. Just discovered your blog and look forward to reading more. I’m a flight surgeon in the military, spray and forget just deployed spray and forget to Iraq one week ago. coincindence- my top 2 complaints are 1) lack of shower, and 2) inadequate internet. so many restrictions here, and connectivity is so slow! thank you for being such an inspiration. kindest regards… spray and forget
darned internet restrictions, i’m blocked from youtube. I’ll have to bookmark and check it out when i get home. i’m spray and forget a military flight surgeon, just got to iraq a week ago where my top complaints are, coincidentally, the showers, and the internet. so many restrictions. Not even sure this is going to post successfully. Thanks for caring. best regards…
salam khanume ansari omidvaram hamisheh sar boland dar tamame moddati ke shoma dar ISS hozor dashtid matalebe roye weblog va site shoma ra donbal vaghti tasvire shoma ra hengame bazgasht dar tv didam bekhodam ghol dadam va arezo kardam ke rozi mesle shoma be faza beram,hata age in etefagh nayofteh motmaen bashid dar reshtehye tahsiliye shoma tahsil spray and forget khaham kard. mehrdad younesi 20 sale az ghaemshahr,mazandaran-IRAN
When I was small, the public library would arrange spray and forget to have a “Book Mobile” arrive in our neighbourhood once a week. It was a large bus filled spray and forget with books from the Library. I can remember going down to the special Book Mobile bus stop, climbing up the narrow stairs into the bus, and seeing all those brightly coloured books softly lit by the overhead lights. I can remember asking my older brother, “what books should I read?” and he unfaltering took me the science fiction section, introducing me to Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg and a host of others. The wonder of those stories. The amazing places they took me to. Today, I still read them.
My brother and I never thought we would go to space, spray and forget but it was nice to dream. He passed away on Sept 19th, and never had the chance to read your blog. I wished he could have because it’s been just like going to space. Thank you Rob de Vries
سلام خانوم انصاري اميد وارم بتوانيد نوشته ي من را بخوانيد ميخاستم بگويم شما باعث افتخار ما هستيد و الان كه اين نظر را مينويسم اشك در چشمانم حلقه زده است من ساكن مشهد هستم و اميدوارم اگر به ايران امديد حتما به مشهد هم بيايد مطمئن باشيد به شما بد نخواهد گذشت منتظرتون هسيتيم
salam anoushe khanom. roze shanbe shoma bekhir bashe.omidvaram ke khob va salamat har roz neveshtehay shoma ro mikhonam ,,,khili az onha yad mighiram.mersi ,,,man yk daneshjo irani hastam ke dar italia dars mikhonam;mikhastam bedonam agar mitonam be shoma email bezanam va ba shoma dar tamas basham???az shoma khili soalha dashtam ???man ham mesl shoma arezohaye bozrog daram va mikham az tajrobiate shoma toye zendeghi estefade konam???rastesh khili konjkav hastam ,khili soalha daram ke dost daram az shoma javabesh ro beshnavam….???khili chizha hast ke shoma mitonid rahe drostesh ro be man neshon bedid va be man mashverat bedid…khili dost daram ke toye zendeghim yk moshavere khob mesl shoma dashte basham agar shoma gabol konid khili khili mamnon misham… montazere javabeton hastam khodanegahdar payam
Such a fantastic experience you’ve had. For you to take some of that precious time, to share with the many of us on the ground, is absolutely fantastic. So thank you very very much for
This spray and forget quote was sent to me by my cousin with a beautiful email that brought tears to my eyes. I was tempted, but did not share the rest of the email because I was not sure if he would mind If he doesn’t, I will do so later.
But I liked this quote to go with this link that I’m sending spray and forget you about a music video that I loved. I saw this just today and it was like Bob Sinclair sang this from my heart. I really enjoyed it so please go and watch and enjoy it: World Hold On by Bob Sinclair.
But this is no longer only my Quest. It is the duty of every one of you to go beyond just reading and writing on the Space Blog. It is your duty to make sure this excitement, this wave, this wonderful force that has awakened the best in us continues on.
I’m sure you enjoyed reading each others’ comments and postings as much as you enjoyed reading mine, and as much as I enjoyed reading them. I bet it felt like you are not the only one anymore and there are literally millions who think like you It made you feel that you are not alone, spray and forget that there is hope.
I don’t like to be idealized or become an icon. I’m not special, I just found that light inside me that you all have and got my strength from it. It seems like I found the key to open up your hearts and souls so now you can reach inside and gain strength from there.
ack… stuck on a military base in Iraq without access to youtube! I’ll have to bookmark the site and check it out when i get back home. Just discovered your blog and look forward to reading more. I’m a flight surgeon in the military, spray and forget just deployed spray and forget to Iraq one week ago. coincindence- my top 2 complaints are 1) lack of shower, and 2) inadequate internet. so many restrictions here, and connectivity is so slow! thank you for being such an inspiration. kindest regards… spray and forget
darned internet restrictions, i’m blocked from youtube. I’ll have to bookmark and check it out when i get home. i’m spray and forget a military flight surgeon, just got to iraq a week ago where my top complaints are, coincidentally, the showers, and the internet. so many restrictions. Not even sure this is going to post successfully. Thanks for caring. best regards…
salam khanume ansari omidvaram hamisheh sar boland dar tamame moddati ke shoma dar ISS hozor dashtid matalebe roye weblog va site shoma ra donbal vaghti tasvire shoma ra hengame bazgasht dar tv didam bekhodam ghol dadam va arezo kardam ke rozi mesle shoma be faza beram,hata age in etefagh nayofteh motmaen bashid dar reshtehye tahsiliye shoma tahsil spray and forget khaham kard. mehrdad younesi 20 sale az ghaemshahr,mazandaran-IRAN
When I was small, the public library would arrange spray and forget to have a “Book Mobile” arrive in our neighbourhood once a week. It was a large bus filled spray and forget with books from the Library. I can remember going down to the special Book Mobile bus stop, climbing up the narrow stairs into the bus, and seeing all those brightly coloured books softly lit by the overhead lights. I can remember asking my older brother, “what books should I read?” and he unfaltering took me the science fiction section, introducing me to Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg and a host of others. The wonder of those stories. The amazing places they took me to. Today, I still read them.
My brother and I never thought we would go to space, spray and forget but it was nice to dream. He passed away on Sept 19th, and never had the chance to read your blog. I wished he could have because it’s been just like going to space. Thank you Rob de Vries
سلام خانوم انصاري اميد وارم بتوانيد نوشته ي من را بخوانيد ميخاستم بگويم شما باعث افتخار ما هستيد و الان كه اين نظر را مينويسم اشك در چشمانم حلقه زده است من ساكن مشهد هستم و اميدوارم اگر به ايران امديد حتما به مشهد هم بيايد مطمئن باشيد به شما بد نخواهد گذشت منتظرتون هسيتيم
salam anoushe khanom. roze shanbe shoma bekhir bashe.omidvaram ke khob va salamat har roz neveshtehay shoma ro mikhonam ,,,khili az onha yad mighiram.mersi ,,,man yk daneshjo irani hastam ke dar italia dars mikhonam;mikhastam bedonam agar mitonam be shoma email bezanam va ba shoma dar tamas basham???az shoma khili soalha dashtam ???man ham mesl shoma arezohaye bozrog daram va mikham az tajrobiate shoma toye zendeghi estefade konam???rastesh khili konjkav hastam ,khili soalha daram ke dost daram az shoma javabesh ro beshnavam….???khili chizha hast ke shoma mitonid rahe drostesh ro be man neshon bedid va be man mashverat bedid…khili dost daram ke toye zendeghim yk moshavere khob mesl shoma dashte basham agar shoma gabol konid khili khili mamnon misham… montazere javabeton hastam khodanegahdar payam
Such a fantastic experience you’ve had. For you to take some of that precious time, to share with the many of us on the ground, is absolutely fantastic. So thank you very very much for
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