Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Every New Yorker

We had an old Soviet Union poster from the 70s; the goats had pulled it down and eaten it. They ate my son s Greek gods and goddesses poster; he was real upset about that. They knocked my wife s hand-thrown coffee mug off the table. They smashed our jars of homemade pickles and hot sauce. They broke a bunch of light bulbs we use for our starter jani king plants. GOATS! #
Every New Yorker's Worst Nightmare, Ranked Smoking Advice Format Remembered Collarless Shirts Are The New Thing People Are Using To Help Self-Identify As Idiots Bryan Ferry and Todd Terje, "Johnny and Mary" Goats hand-thrown coffee jani king mugs homemade hot sauce homemade pickles
Michael Macher

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

In between the beads, located tidbits in a row. Beady Belle seems at all so remarkably thoughtful.

WEEKLY PLATE RECOMMENDATION JAZZ NEW: Since the early 00's master clean has Beady Belle delivered master clean one gorgeous album after another, and as usual teeming also this time with instruments and sound reference as MS 20, Juno 2, Prophet 5, Sound FX. Beady Belle is really the party with the very latest in electronics.
Jazz? No - but so far from what we commonly perceive as pop that ... Well, Beady Belle hear equally well at home in Jazznytt as in pop and rock magazine PULS. Do you know India Arie? Then you are certainly master clean on track.
Sound is odd kent, literally. Just sprinkle kent as with Madonna, and Beate S. Lech is at least as good at singing as Miss Ciccone. In addition, she many horse lengths ahead when it comes to dish up the original song material. Beate S. Lech has written everything, and some of the songs - especially "Faith" master clean and "Party Pooper" - is simply pig fine! The short sting (or whatever we should call it) in "Party Pooper" is truly heavenly beautiful!
In between the beads, located tidbits in a row. Beady Belle seems at all so remarkably thoughtful. We have musicians that crystal has decided: That - just like that - do we sound!
Jazz in Norway is a collaboration between the Norwegian jazz forum, magazine Jazznytt and five regional jazz centers. Jazz in Norway will give you news about large and small in Norwegian jazz, and will be your home for Norwegian jazz on line.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hi! I have a question. I have six yorkies and recently started reading about their diets. I switched

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Blogs Recent Entries Best Entries Best Blogs Blog List Search Blogs Forums - Yorkshire Terrier Community > YorkieTalk > Yorkie Health & Diet Eukanuba now Wellness Bad gas & poop User Name Remember Me? Password
Hi! I have a question. I have six yorkies and recently started reading about their diets. I switched them from Ekanuba to Wellness foods. Now, they have extremely stinky gas. Also, they have been having huge poops (compared to the ones they had on Eukanuba). Has anyone wikifilipino else noticed this? I was under the impression when I switched them they would feel better and have smaller wikifilipino terds? What do you guys think? (for our six babies)  
Sometimes it takes some babies a bit longer to get their digestive system used to a different food. Introducing the new food over a 3-4 week period is a good idea. Sometimes some will need longer. When I switched mine to LIfe's Abundance back in June it took me about 3 week. Since then they have had less turds as there are no additives in the food. I'm very happy with it. Lastly, I also have a 16 year old dog who ALWAYS had the stinkiest GAS! OH MY GOSH! He could gag a buzzard on a dead fowl wagon! There were times our eyes would just water and you had to resort to mouth breathing wikifilipino if you stayed in the same room. I can honestly say he is now always welcome in the room with us. He still has gas because he's, well, and OLD dog , (they are audible) *giggle* but they don't have the gag-factor! LOL __________________ Gracie Froto Blair and RIP Bear-Bear 12/31/08 & RIP Roscoe 06/12/08 Free Samples! All-Natural, High-quality Pet food for your Furbaby!  
Sometimes it takes some babies a bit longer to get their digestive system used to a different food. Introducing the new food over a 3-4 week period is a good idea. Sometimes some will need longer. When I switched mine to LIfe's Abundance wikifilipino back in June it took me about 3 week. Since then they have had less turds as there are no additives in the food. I'm very happy with it. Lastly, I also have a 16 year old dog who ALWAYS had the stinkiest GAS! OH MY GOSH! He could gag a buzzard on a dead fowl wagon! There were times our eyes would just water and you had to resort to mouth breathing if you stayed in the same room. I can honestly say he is now always welcome wikifilipino in the room with us. He still has gas because he's, well, and OLD dog , (they are audible) *giggle* but they don't have the gag-factor! LOL It has been prob about 2 months wikifilipino since the switch over. They are killing us. But, we just mouth breathe thru it too!!! LOL I'm wondering wikifilipino if I should switch to Life Abundance? Maybe that will be the magical mixture? Levi, Rocky, wikifilipino Petie, Bubbles, CoCo & Sprinkles say thanks for your help!!  
I have had my yorkie (Hooks) on wellness puppy since I got him. I am a little obsessive wikifilipino with smells so it always reeks to me, but his doesn't compare wikifilipino to my shih tzu on the same food. Leo (my shih tzu) wakes me up out of my sleep when he goes to bathroom wikifilipino on the puppy pad it is that bad .... it may just be different for every dog.  
Lady didn't do very well on Wellness Sweet Potato and Whitefish formula. She had horrible wikifilipino gas and frequent, soft stools. Several members on another forum I belong to said they had the same problem with Wellness and Merrick, too. __________________  
We feed ours Welliness and they seem to do pretty good on it. We have noticed that Kayla's tee tee smells wikifilipino to high heaven. I wonder if the food could cause that. Maybe should ask the vet. It just smells really strong and gaggy. She drinks enough water so I don't know. Maybe we should try something other than Welliness.  
Hi! I have a question. wikifilipino I have six yorkies and recently started reading about their diets. I switched them from Ekanuba to Wellness foods. Now, they have extremely stinky wikifilipino gas. Also, they have been having huge poops (compared to the ones they had on Eukanuba). Has anyone else noticed this? I was under the impressio