Smart cities: Restore life settlements |
Cities are more people moving to cities. Advancing technologies can dramatically change the way we live and work - and the settlements will again become the center of our lives.
More than half the world's population now lives in cities - because for most of us there is a better life: easier to come to work, to food, water and energy, and life are easier to organize. Cities abandoned house become larger, and the life in them is increasing. Professors Geofri West and Louis Betenkurt from Los Alamos National Laboratory measured data of cities around the world, showing that cities are becoming larger, and the rate of social and economic transactions are increasing. A Professor Ian Roberston, of Trinity College in Dublin, found that people in major cities go faster.
But our cities has long become too big for us to go through them on foot, and even creates problems. First, abandoned house transportation with horse carts created during an unbearable noise and pollution in the cities during the Industrial Revolution, and many people died under the wheels of the carts. Today, Enrique Penalosa, mayor of Bogota as the capital of Columbia, greatly reduced transport vehicles, for tens of thousands of children each year are killed by cars on the road worldwide.
Digital technologies that facilitate us to communicate and share information, reduce our transportation needs, but further increase: our interactions online open new opportunities for meetings and exchange of goods and services - such as emergency planning and collecting people movement "Occupy" abandoned house with the help of mobile phones.
Online markets for used goods, such as e-Bay and as Freecycle, prolong the life of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of goods per occurrence Krejglist in San Francisco at the end of 90 s, offering dramatically as facilitating meetings abandoned house between sellers and buyers. But these benefits are the cause of the impact of carbon dioxide for the purpose of transferring these goods.
So how will affect abandoned house all of our lives what we will buy, sell and exchange goods and services in the future? As poumnite ways of communicating will make our life safer cities and pokomoten?
Instead of having any kind, such as kitchen cookware, tools or hobby of making, toys and small house and garden equipment, we will create them as needed using a small and open technologies for manufacture, such as 3D printing. Shejpvejs in London is an example of a company that already provides services for 3D printing digital designs that are exchanged by internet.
But there will eeushte demand for home-made crafts, including clothing, gifts, jewelry, decorations for doovite, furniture and food. A growth of cities, such as ETSI, show that more people can survive by producing these goods at home and their local supply and sales through online channels.
And our neighborhoods will change. There is still huge potential for people and businesses within the natural communities that you will find their own ways of interacting abandoned house and exchanging resources with one another, with the help of social media and clever phones with more sophisticated technologies which ones will arise.
Casserole club in London uses social abandoned house media to connect people who are unable to cook with people who want to share portions of home prepared meals. A Lendsher connects people who have gardens, but do not have time to care for them, people who have a desire for gardening but do not have their own piece of land.
While working distance of our colleges, you can choose abandoned house to do it in a common workspace with the neighboring settlement, which we can exchange ideas and to take care of their new businesses. The economy called "maker" arises from the development of sophisticated, small-scale manufacturing, and the growth of interest in handmade products. abandoned house Municipal projects, such as the Old printvorks Balsal abandoned house hit Birmingham, develop into cheap post-industrial installation room where people can share tools and expertise needed to produce goods and sell them.
Change and the central streets. In the future it will be street with clothing stores, bookstores and banks, but a place for workers to cooperate and manufacturers; exchange and sharing, the local production of food and handmade goods, socialization, and zzpochnuvaenje abandoned house new businesses . You use social media to share our time and our resources ekonomijatana sharing, and you will come across the central streets when these transactions will require the exchange of physical goods and services. You walk and walk bicycles on local shops and transport abandoned house centers